So, I've bought a new PC 3 days ago. These are the specs:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Sapphire HD7850 2GB OC
Intel i5-3750K
ASRock P67 Pro3
8GB single channel RAM
For the first two days, it worked. Two hours ago, however, my whole screen started flickering / flashing in these barely visible black lines. Is it the monitor that's dying (it's 5 years old)? How do I fix it, if it's not the monitor? It's very irritating.
I've already checked the cable, that isn't the problem.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Sapphire HD7850 2GB OC
Intel i5-3750K
ASRock P67 Pro3
8GB single channel RAM
For the first two days, it worked. Two hours ago, however, my whole screen started flickering / flashing in these barely visible black lines. Is it the monitor that's dying (it's 5 years old)? How do I fix it, if it's not the monitor? It's very irritating.
I've already checked the cable, that isn't the problem.