Why do i get a hard crash when i ONLY play Steam Games?


Jun 10, 2016
Monitor crash 5 seconds into being in game on steam. Though I can still run other games that are not on steam under load just fine. When it crashes the only thing that happens is that my monitor goes black and has no signal. Checked my memory its fine. PSU voltages are fine. GPU test show that the GPU is not even working before the crash. Could it be a bad PCIE slot, bad monitor, bad HDMI cable/port on the GPU or just something wrong with Steam?

Paragon, Battlefield 1, Overwatch, Assassins Creed Black Flag. I have a r9 290 but it can still run most games on high. I even put everything on LOW for Witcher 3 and it still crashed a couple seconds in game.

Im not 100% sure but so far no crash. At least, the game dosent crash in the first 5 seconds. Now i need to play some more to see if it really worked. BUT HOW did disabling in game overlay help. After doing every test imaginable for gpu, memory, psu, after countless forum posts and i was about to even buy a new GPU or return my motherboard to fix the problem, how does one simple fix, fix everything when everybody else told me that my GPU is bad and that I should return it. How are you the first one to even mention turning off steam in game overlay.