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Hi Bert:
I do not dispute that System Restore works for many but its reliability is
questionable, at least that is how I interpret the messages posted by those
with problem with the utility. The response by Rom Martell (Balderdash) to
my comment concerning lack of reliability is downright insulting, but
perhaps within character.
While these NGs are a small snapshot of the total installed database it does
give an insight on what is going on within that database. System Restore is
a safety system and as such should be totally reliable and it isn't. If you
compare System Restore with ERUNT there is a significant difference. Each
snapshot of the Registry taken by ERUNT is standalone and should the program
become corrupt it can be restored and the 'snapshots' used if required.
Further, the registry 'snapshots' made by ERUNT can be stored 'off site'.
None of this is possible with System Restore. ERUNT is, in my opinion, what
System Restore should be.
Of course I am influenced by my experience, aren't we all? As for my
problem being unique, certainly my problem appears to be uncommon but from e
mail correspondence with others the problem, I am not alone. With respect
to poorly written programs being the source of my problem, you may well be
correct although I have tried deleting all programs from my machine other
than 'main stream' programs, but without success. I have a second machine
with virtually the same programs installed yet 'SR' functions normally
As you know from our earlier exchanges (Restore Points Vanish et al) I have
tried all the 'standard' repair and trouble shooting steps without result. I
am tempted to do a full restore of WINXP but as ERUNT does in fact provide a
better 'registry backup' than 'SR' the disruption seems hardly justified.
It seems from a post by another that a 'simple' WINXP repair does not fix
the problem. The problem I have represents a 'intellectual challenge' and
as such is extremely irritating as I have not been able to find a solution.
"Bert Kinney" <> wrote in message
> Hi Ed,
> Ron's comments are right on. The amount of System Restore problems we see
> in these newsgroups and forums are a very very small percentage of the
> install base. The problem you are experiencing with System Restore is
> fairly unique. Most of the problems with System Restore that we see are
> cause by malicious or poorly written software that interferes with files
> and folders that it has no business doing. And unlike you particular
> problem most are fixable. No offence, but I think your personnel
> experience is swaying you judgment.
> --
> Regards,
> Bert Kinney MS-MVP Shell/User
> Edward W. Thompson wrote:
>> "Ron Martell" wrote
>>> "Edward W. Thompson" wrote:
>>>> Unfortunately 'System Restore' is at best unreliable
>>>> and as you have discovered, when you come to use it,
>>>> it doesn't function.
>>> Balderdash. System Restore has proven itself both
>>> reliable and valuable for many thousands of users.
>>>> While
>>>> statistically this may be the exception it is
>>>> sufficiently common to render
>>>> the program useless as a reliable backup/safety device.
>>>> The excellent Registry backup program ERUNT is a far
>>>> better and provides a guranteed backup as each backup
>>>> is standalone.
>>> System Restore does far more than just a registry
>>> backup. If that is all you need then fine. But a
>>> first aid kit is not an adequate replacement for a
>>> hospital emergency ward.
>>>> There is no way to 'repair' System Restore to allow
>>>> previously created Restore Poionts to be used. The
>>>> standard 'recovery' method is to disable System
>>>> Restore, reboot and enable System Restore. This
>>>> normally fixes any problem you may have but
>>>> unfortunately all previously created Restore Points are deleted.
>>> That part is correct.
>>> Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
>>> --
>>> Microsoft MVP
>>> On-Line Help Computer Service
>> I don't know what world you are living in but the number
>> of posts here and in other newsgroups indicate System
>> Restore is far from reliable. It is significant that your
>> 'Balderdash' comment relates to a specific instance where
>> System Restore isn't working. How does that relate to
>> your comment concerning its reliability. The fact that
>> System Restore has proven useful to thousands of users is
>> of little comfort to those thousands of users where it
>> has failed. (note: I am just as entitled to use
>> unsubstantiated numbers as you are). You do not enhance
>> your credibility with such a nonsensical response.
>> As far as my personal experience is concerned System
>> Restore on one of my machine has not 'worked' for months.
>> Several posts in this and other MS NGs have not produced
>> any solutions.