Why is gtx 590 $1000 while gtx 670 is $450? WHAT?


Mar 2, 2013
Yea so I looked up gtx 590 just for the fun of it and the prices were insane...it was $1000 and higher and it had like a 700-bit interface and 3GB of VRAM which is insane....can someone please provide some insight on this? Shouldnt the 600 series be....better than the 500 series???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
the 590 holds its price as its stilla dual gpu card so 2 580s on one card. The 670gtx is better than a single 580, no glue on 590 (sli 580) but single card setups are always better in the $1000 range get the titan lol single gpu with the power of a dual 680/690 lol It has the high interface as it combines both cards and current gen cards like a 7970/680 have 2-4gb vram on a single card
So, this is a troll thread in all senses of the concept.

No, just because a card is in the 600 series does NOT mean they're magically better. Most of the low-end GTX 600 series cards are actually just renamed 500 series cards... and some of those 500 series cards were renamed 400 series cards.

It's the way the world works - the 590, despite being holistically worse, does way better in benchmarks. It's also the dual-chip flagship of the 500 series, and they tend to stay at a price just around $1000 - look at the 690.
690 outperforms the Titan at nearly every turn, but once again. it is two GPU's.

There are, however, at least a few reason to buy a titan.

1. for compactness. A titan will fit in places a 690 or 2 680's will not.

2. for effective crossfire support. A pair of 690's or four 680's will outperform two titans IF the game you play supports 3-4 ways SLI/crossfire. That can be a sketchy prospect. The vast majority of games however, do support 2 GPU's.

3. for ridiculousness. If money is no object, the performance four titans in a 2011 board with tons of pci-e 3.0 lanes has no competition. If your game supports four-way SLI, and you absolutely, positively must game at 7680x1440 @ 120hz, there is no other option (and we all hate you 😀)

Obviously, none of those reasons are gonna make the titan Nvidia's top seller. Top of the line cards are bragging rights, and that's about it.