Question Why is my laptop's GPU downclocking under stress ?

Aug 28, 2022
hi, so recently while playing valorant ive noticed that about every 30 seconds or so my fps drops drastically from around 50 (which isnt that great on its own) down to 10. this makes the game unplayable and lasts for about 15-20 seconds. I checked gpu-z and turns out my gpu clock speed was going down from the usual 1100mhz to 350mhz, the temperature during this was around 92 degrees celcius. im not sure why this is happening but it makes the game unplayable so if anyone knows a solution or a reason for this then let me know. I use a laptop btw.


i7 3610QM
intel HD 4000 graphics
8gb ddr3 1600mhz ram
Which laptop are you using? brand and exact model should be labled on the bottom of it

most likely your thermals are to high, repasting the CPU could help, is the fan spinning highly or is it dead?
oh umm yeah its quite an old laptop, alienware m17xr4, the fans seem to be fine but it might be the thermal paste cuz i dont think its ever been changed
Sounds like thermal throttling.
Run Hwmonitor or such and look at the max temperature.
If you see 100c. you have likely throttled and slowed down until the situation resolves.

Verify that the cooling fans are operating fully and check your cooling airways for dust and obstructions.

You possibly may have dried out cpu thermal paste.

Is there anything that might kick off every 30 seconds?
Some apps will do so to check if there is an update available.
Look at what is running before/after the slow down in task manager/resource monitor.

It may be that only 8gb of ram is impacting you.
Sounds like thermal throttling.
Run Hwmonitor or such and look at the max temperature.
If you see 100c. you have likely throttled and slowed down until the situation resolves.

Verify that the cooling fans are operating fully and check your cooling airways for dust and obstructions.

You possibly may have dried out cpu thermal paste.

Is there anything that might kick off every 30 seconds?
Some apps will do so to check if there is an update available.
Look at what is running before/after the slow down in task manager/resource monitor.

It may be that only 8gb of ram is impacting you.
i think it might just be the thermal paste cuz my fans and everything seem to be running fine and im certain its not an app thats doing this, also, i know that the ram isnt the issue because only 6.7/8gb is used when i have the game launched. ill just try replacing the thermal paste, thanks