Question Why is my monitor randomly cycling through red, green, blue, white and black screens ?

Mar 1, 2024
As the title suggests, my Dell S24S21HGF monitor is cycling through these colors. I was playing a video game, and I got a tad bit too upset and tapped my display many times. I did not punch hard. I would like to reiterate that. It was fine until the last tap and since then it has been in this cycle of colors.

I have tried to unplug and replug the monitor.
I even disconnected it from the PC and it is still cycling through these colors.
I have opened it up and disconnected and reconnected the LED connector. No success. After a while of cycling, it just goes to black until I click a button on the monitor.

I do not think the LED screen is to blame as I would assume I would see some sort of cracking on the screen, or could I be wrong?
Any help is appreciated.