Question Why is my PC freezing/ stutter lagging when opening programs?

Aug 24, 2019
The past few days my PC has started to lag when I open a program or game (especially when I'm watching a video in full screen on my second monitor). It will freeze the computer for a couple of seconds, mouse becomes very stuttery and laggy and then all will be fine after until I open up something else or switch to my second monitor. I never used to have this issue and I cant figure out what is causing it? The lag can happen either:

- When I open a program after a long use of the PC

- Full screen video open on second monitor and a game on the other (example Youtube video is playing in full screen on one monitor and say Rocket League on the other, if I change the video in and out of full screen it can lag)

- When I open a program with multiple others open as well like Spotify, Chrome and Discord etc.

Heard it maybe can be the CPU or a Windows Service causing this but I really don't know. If anyone has had this issue or knows the reason then all help would be appreciated, Thanks!
CTRL>Shift>ESC will open task manager

Earlier I did get pretty annoyed and tried to plug everything in properly and make sure every everything was connected correctly, I removed, then put my RAM back in and notice MB LEDs had changed color? Didn’t think anything of it and booted back into Windows. I noticed my temps were a few degrees higher than usual, went into BIOS and it says it’s been reset? (Title of the message is: ‘Clear CMOS Information’.

Before checking the BIOS, when I went to check my CPU usage and disk usage, I was trying to purposely initiate the freezing and lag and had nothing? Maybe I just don’t know how the lag is being caused while using the PC or this accidental BIOS reset has potentially sorted it😂 Maybe I had an unstable OC or a specific setting on? Any Ideas?

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