THGossip with another hyped up panicky title - it's just '10, the end of the world is still advertised in '12, so keep your breath...
Playing a bit with statistics - those triple digit percentage, and 2 decimals numbers might look awesome, and fool the less knowledgeable reader, but are just statistically noise, aka garbage - and some graphs, the doom of FF is decreed.
Even if MF is getting it's most revenue from G, the dumbest move would be to shoot down the browser which provides a lot of it's own ad based revenue - Cr is still far from getting relevant market share - it's current rise is mostly from the hip factor.
Completely ignored is the fact that FF is FOSS - even in the least probable event of MF disappearing, FF would still go on.
Another factor is that G would never implement an ad block in Cr (it's biggest, if not only revenue), or desist it's spying on user habits - piss the users enough with intrusive tactics, and off they go...
The most funny part of the opinion article is: "Chrome’s forced upgrade ensures you always have the latest version on your PC and, whether you like it or not, the strategy seems to be resonating with users."
If pushed deep down the throat, the only result is gagging and/or puking, hardly "resonating"... Put enough pressure on users, and they're gone.
The other "alternative", micro$uxx' exploder can be reliably discarded as a viable contender - it's market share is purely due to deeply embedding it in the drm infested games loader - and the flooding litany of promises from redmond's marketing droids is already getting boring.
Another flawed view - mostly resonating with micro$uxx' monopolistic tactics - is that there should be a dominating broser. Even if FF's market share tends lately to remain constant, it doesn't mean at all it's demise...