Question Why should you overclock your graphics cards?


Apr 23, 2016

I've just been testing some games with my strix rx 480 8gb overclocked and stock.

Hitman 2016
Dragon age inquisition
Apex legends
Sniper ghost warrior 3
Fallout 76

Im seeing no difference in game performance between 1330/8000 stock & 1370/8700 oc

Bear in mind I play almost all games with vsync so it stays 60fps, If the oc speeds give for example 88fps and stock 82fps with vsync off it's not really worth it. I've not noticed having to turn down any settings when I've gone to stock.

Its running slightly cooler with less noise. I think from now on I may run my gpu at either stock or modest bump!!

Do you recommend keeping it at the oc level or stock? Or is it a case of game to game basis?

Undervolt @ stock. That's MUCH better.

My RX480 does 1305MHz @ 1020mV and 100W power draw. (900mV VRAM)

Your VRAM voltage sets the lowest Vcore you'll achieve (strange, but true)

Also, you can play around with "memory timing" level 1 or 2 instead of stock/auto.

Do you have a FreeSync monitor?
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