Question Will A E3 1270 V6 (i7 7700) Bottleneck A RTX 2070

Mar 15, 2025
Im making a budget build with a 2070 and a 1270 v6 (exactly the same as a i7 7700) and wanted to ask if this cpu would bottleneck the 2070. If you have other suggestions let me know (AMD cpu is not an option)
There is no such thing as "bottlenecking"
If, by that, you mean that upgrading a cpu or graphics card can
somehow lower your performance or FPS.
A better term might be limiting factor.
That is where adding more cpu or gpu becomes increasingly
less effective.

By now, 7700 users are looking at a platform upgrade because the power of a 7770 is insufficient for their needs, and no stronger processors are available.

What is your "budget" ?
Do you already have any parts?