[SOLVED] Will I be able to use a Nvidia 1660 Ti?


Feb 17, 2020
I currently have a HP Z820 workstation with a Nvidia Quadro 5000 graphics card. I want to get a 1660 Ti but it needs an 8 pin power supply and only have a six pin power supply. I'm not sure if I need to get a 6 to 8 pin adapter or I need a new PSU. I don't want to get a new graphics card and fry it.
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Also, skip the 1660 ti. Save your money and get the 1660 super. Those cards are only 3-5% slower than the 1660ti, but should only cost you $230 as opposed to $280 for the 1660ti. As a bonus, the savings should mostly pay for your power supply, and you probably will have a hard time noticing a performance difference between the super and the ti.

Here's the card in my own system. Looks like that particular one is now priced at 239. But do some looking, I'd be willing to guess there are options from other brands for the lower price available.
