[SOLVED] Will i7-3770k 4.6ghz bottleneck 1080ti?

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Nov 1, 2019
Hello, i recently had questions about i7-3770k cooling, and now i went over to GPU upgrade. I have i7-3770k in combo with 1070 strix, i am planning to get around 144fps in witcher 3, so i am planning to buy 1080ti. But, as i know my cpu is too weak for that GPU, but will that actually matter in games that dont use yours cpu at 100%? For example Witcher 3.
3770k's instructions per clock is a bit better. My total cpu usage sits between 80~90 in those games at 1440p. Up to around 95~98% in 1080p.

Don't get me wrong, 1080Ti would do better in a modern system, im well aware of that, but looking at benchmarks of the same games and resolution, it's not far off. It was a heap better than the 1070 anyway.
Guys, thanks for help with the 1080Ti. I dont know if its allowed, but i want to ask you a question. As you know i have a 3770k OC to 4.6GHz, its AIO cooled. My cpu gets pretty hot, sometimes up to 95 degrees. VCORE is 1.328. People said that i should lower it to 1.3. Can lo voltage damage cpu? Maybe some suggestions how to lower temps??
Im a little late to the party but ill add something that may be of great value.

As now a days FPS matters a lot, i personally have a 240hz but i cant fully enjoy it... because...

I also own a 1080ti and a 3770k, and that processor has always been the very best at everything, and therefore i havent been in any need of upgrading since 2013.

But today i realized, that EVERYGAME is capped at 185FPS.
So i was checking, done Overclock and stuff.

For some reason, i with or without Overclock i cannot seem to get past 185FPS, but CPU usage is always at 100% i tried 3.5 3.9 4.2 and 4.5, and 4.6Ghz they are all the same in regards of gaming performance, at least for the games i played.

Tried any resolution, even 720p at lowest and it will always be 185, therefore it must be the CPU.

So, i wouldnt recommend trying to overclock way beyond the limits, i would recomend 4.2Ghz is great, amazing performance and low temps...

and upgrade whenever possible, as your 1080ti and do much more than you may think it can actually do...

hope it helps mate.

ALSO: if you think my Bottleneck isnt the CPU and there is sort of stupid glitch, PLEASE let me know LOL.
Im a little late to the party but ill add something that may be of great value.

As now a days FPS matters a lot, i personally have a 240hz but i cant fully enjoy it... because...

I also own a 1080ti and a 3770k, and that processor has always been the very best at everything, and therefore i havent been in any need of upgrading since 2013.

But today i realized, that EVERYGAME is capped at 185FPS.
So i was checking, done Overclock and stuff.

For some reason, i with or without Overclock i cannot seem to get past 185FPS, but CPU usage is always at 100% i tried 3.5 3.9 4.2 and 4.5, and 4.6Ghz they are all the same in regards of gaming performance, at least for the games i played.

Tried any resolution, even 720p at lowest and it will always be 185, therefore it must be the CPU.

So, i wouldnt recommend trying to overclock way beyond the limits, i would recomend 4.2Ghz is great, amazing performance and low temps...

and upgrade whenever possible, as your 1080ti and do much more than you may think it can actually do...

hope it helps mate.

ALSO: if you think my Bottleneck isnt the CPU and there is sort of stupid glitch, PLEASE let me know LOL.

I don't know about games FPS caps, cause that will depend on every game and game engine. Some FPS limitations can be disable by editing a setting on a text file, then again it will all depend on every game.

As for your question about if the i7 is bottleneck it all depend, once again, at the game. Most newer game engines, can utilize up to 12 threads or even more, so newer thread- optimized esport games can be limited by a CPU with fewer resources.
Constant 100% utilization of your CPU means that the game in question is fully utilizing all your CPU horsepower, and you have no resources left to work with. So, if the games need to resolve another "task" it will have to wait till some of the work thats been proccess on the CPU finish in order to "work" on the new task.

8 logical threads, like the ones that are available on your Core i7 are still relevant, but they will get taxed really fast as soon as you launch one of those games and try to get the highest FPS by lowering the game details and resolution, it will get even worst if you add another task while playing the game, called discord + broswer tabs, streaming, etc.
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