Can't do it. Well, you COULD, but it would require a major modification project to do it because that is a custom proprietary motherboard.
If you want to move the CPU and cooler, memory and hard drives to an aftermarket case, you are going to NEED a new motherboard, or be prepared to do a great deal of modification on the order of practically recreating the motherboard tray and the back I/O panel of the case. Really, it's not feasible. It would cost more than a new motherboard and would take tens of hours of work to do it. Not worth it.
I'd recommend this, as there are very few new boards available anymore for the H270, Z270 or B250 chipsets. Might as well go with a Z series board rather than B250 or H270 because those are just as expensive no due to lack of supply since they've been out of manufacturing for almost a year and a half now. Plus if you decide to move up to an unlocked CPU later on or have to replace the CPU for any reason, already having an unlocked board gives you a few more options and generally speaking the Z series boards are more feature rich anyhow.
PCPartPicker part list /
Price breakdown by merchant
Motherboard: ASRock - Z270 Killer SLI/ac ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($79.89 @ OutletPC)
Total: $79.89
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-02-24 01:00 EST-0500
You can however roll the dice and try to find a used board on Ebay if you can find one from a reputable seller. Most any B250, H270 or Z270 motherboard made by ASRock, ASUS or Gigabyte would be a good option. Obviously even those brands will have some really cheap quality boards at the low end of the spectrum, so if you decide to do something like that it might be a good idea to come back first and ask if a particular board model is a good choice or not. I personally would avoid all of the lower end MSI boards, and if you're willing to pay for a high end MSI board there are as good or better options from these other companies in most cases unless you find a supreme deal.