Win 7 stopped seeing some other computers on LAN


Jun 26, 2011
Windows 7 ultimate has stopped seeing 3 XP machines & two HP servers but sees Win 7 pro machine & still connects to the internet. Backups to server are still working. All the latest updates on all machines. Virtual XP on Ultimate machine sees all other machines. The only machine that still sees the ultimate machine is the Win 7 pro. The win 7 pro machine sees all the others. Up until 5 or 6 days ago all machines saw each other. Anybody got any ideas?
I too have been experiencing this issue for several months now. I have 12 pc (mix of vm's and physical pc's and servers of xp, vista, win7, 2008r2) on my local network. Each desktop can see part of the "network" meaning each pc can see some but not all of the other machines in Network Explorer (not the same pcs are listed on any 2 machines). All of the pc's are accessible by typing in the pc name such as \\pc123 in the url. So it is not a major problem since I know tha names of all the machines, but it is annoying that the entire network list is not available at a single view. If anyone comes across a solution to this, please let us know. Thank you.