Question Windows 10 freezes during restart or updates

Nov 16, 2019

Ok that's my problem.
When I try to restart my PC from Windows 10 Menu or do an update of Windows, the restart screen appears with the loop and the message "restart" or "Working on updates : Don't turn off your PC. This will take a while". The problem is after 10-30 seconds, the loop freezes indefinitely and the only way to shut down my PC is to press for 3 seconds PC's power button.
When I restart it, I arrive in the boot screen of Windows 10 (also with a loop) that I see every time I turn on my PC, except that this time the boot loop also freezes and I must reinstall Windows 10 OS with boot's menu and an USB Key to reuse my PC.
The problem persists since 8 months and every time I must reinstall Windows 10 (I loose all my files), I don't restart my PC from Windows 10's button and I block the updates.

My Setup :
CPU : I7-2600 4-Core 3.40GHz
GPU : GTX 460
Memory : 12GB
Storage : Disk with 1.8TB
OS : Windows 10 64 bits

Can you help me, to solve this persistant problem ?
Thank you :)
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The next time the PC is booted and running check Reliability History and Event Viewer for error codes and warnings that correspond with the loop freezes.

Take a look at Update History. There should be some records regarding the success and failure of various updates.

The objective is to discover some specific reason for the loop freezes/failures to update.

At some point Windows 10 is going to insist on updating. And will try to do so.

The further back/behind your system is with respect to updates the update process will take longer and certainly may be more complicated.
what motherboard? Do you have the newest bios? I realise its not new but it might help.

restarts/updates are the only time Windows with fast startup turned on, is actually off. So it seems your PC doesn't like turning off. Its possible a Power setting in bios conflicts with windows.

how does that 12gb of ram work exactly? I 8gb & 1 4gb? how long you had it like so?
Unfortunately, I did not find any Windows errors on Reliability History, Event Viewer or Update history about the loop's freeze because the last reinstallation of Windows 10 was the 04/10/2019 and since I avoided updates and restarts. Before 04/10/2019, I don't have any informations.
But I find advanced informations about my PC and actually my PC has the fast startup enabled.

  • PC : HP Pavilion Elite HPE-550fr
  • Memory : Dual Channel DDR3 12 GB
  • BIOS : 7.08 16/02/2011 (UEFI), I don't know where, I can update it
  • Motherboard :
Product : 2AB6
SerialNumber : 108992000004656
Version : 1.04

The problem started a few months after my friend gave it to me but he did not have these problems.
I get that