[SOLVED] Windows 10 hello same face for different users?

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Jun 3, 2015
I recently got a new laptop with windows hello face recognition. I set up an administrator account and my face to use to unlock that account. Then I set up a separate local account for day-to-day usage. I tried setting up my face for windows hello on this other local account but it would not work. I then removed that face from the administrator account and tried setting it up on the local account and that time it worked.

I'm assuming that the reason it did not work the first time is that it recognized my face from already being set up on the administrator account and that is why it would not let me use the same face for my local account. So my question is if there is a way to use the same face to unlock two separate accounts (one being an admin account and one being a local account in my case)?
So my question is if there is a way to use the same face to unlock two separate accounts (one being an admin account and one being a local account in my case)?

I doubt it, and I believe your thesis about why facial recognition (like fingerprint recognition) will only work for one account on a given machine is correct. You would need a secondary mechanism in order for the same "primary attribute" (face or fingerprint) to be usable for different accounts.

I'd never do it, either. The facial rec/fingerprint should be for the account most frequently accessed and a password/pin for the one(s) controlled by the same actual person that are less frequently accessed.

This feature is meant for both security and convenience, and the...
I'm surprised you got it to work at all. I wouldn't go near it.

One way to finesse the problem is to have a pair of Groucho Marx glasses that you keep near the PC. Use the glasses to create facial recognition on one account, and remove them to create facial recognition on the other. The computer will record these as two different faces for the two different accounts.

I commend your sense of adventure.

Greg N
So my question is if there is a way to use the same face to unlock two separate accounts (one being an admin account and one being a local account in my case)?

I doubt it, and I believe your thesis about why facial recognition (like fingerprint recognition) will only work for one account on a given machine is correct. You would need a secondary mechanism in order for the same "primary attribute" (face or fingerprint) to be usable for different accounts.

I'd never do it, either. The facial rec/fingerprint should be for the account most frequently accessed and a password/pin for the one(s) controlled by the same actual person that are less frequently accessed.

This feature is meant for both security and convenience, and the only thing one could sacrifice is convenience if using the same primary biometrics for multiple accounts. It forces some sort of additional entry in order to differentiate, and if that's the case why not use a conventional verification method?

One can use the trick with fingerprint recognition of using different fingers for each account, though. But you have to remember which unlocks which, and for me that would be a much bigger burden than knowing the password I've chosen.
I doubt it, and I believe your thesis about why facial recognition (like fingerprint recognition) will only work for one account on a given machine is correct. You would need a secondary mechanism in order for the same "primary attribute" (face or fingerprint) to be usable for different accounts.

I'd never do it, either. The facial rec/fingerprint should be for the account most frequently accessed and a password/pin for the one(s) controlled by the same actual person that are less frequently accessed.

This feature is meant for both security and convenience, and the only thing one could sacrifice is convenience if using the same primary biometrics for multiple accounts. It forces some sort of additional entry in order to differentiate, and if that's the case why not use a conventional verification method?

One can use the trick with fingerprint recognition of using different fingers for each account, though. But you have to remember which unlocks which, and for me that would be a much bigger burden than knowing the password I've chosen.

This makes sense. Thanks for the help
I have never tried it, but I think that it is silly and has to be fixed. I don't have facial recognition on my laptop, but I use two accounts, one for work and another for myself. I use passwords on both, But if my laptop had facial recognition, I would like to set my face on both.
p.s. Sorry for bumping the thread. I was searching for the info about facial recognition technology and google gave me this thread.
You'd have to first select an account, then the facial is just a password alternative.
Or, the facial says "Oh, this is you", and then you'd have to select which account.

The ways it works..."This face is for this account"
The system can't be expected to know which account you wish to use.

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