[citation][nom]neiroatopelcc[/nom]It's true that some sites don't work properly with browsers that follow standards if these sites are built for IE compatibility. But IIS isn't in its standard configuration set up to not support other browsers. You have to make an effort to break compatibility.[/citation]
IIS, in it's "standard configuration" isn't used practically at all. It always comes with the rest of proprietary m$ junk, which works only with m$'s exploder (cut the crap with "exploder compatibility", it's plain monopolistic behavior, or, at best, incompetence to follow established standards - that's what should be considered compatible), or, if in luck, just cutting out other browsers - when the described workaround suffices.
[citation][nom]neiroatopelcc[/nom]You're claiming that people who use windows aren't knowledgeable? By that measure the only people who know anything about computers are those who're still sitting in their basements at runlevel 3 and bitching that youtube doesn't work in lynx.[/citation]
Most windblow$ lu$ers are plainly ignorant, barely able to routinely click around, to get some work done. They're lost if something more complicated, even the usual "next/accept/ok/finish/cancel/whatever" boxes pop up. It's not necessary to work at RL3, to know something about computers, but if you want to do something, there isn't any button to click on in a shiny GUI window (with it's inherent limitations) you have to get "dirty", at console level. Even m$ had to acknowledge it, in their "server" flavor products.
"Youtube in lynx bitching", would only be the case with complete GUI idiots - wondering if they even know, what a console is. Get something more plausible...
[citation][nom]neiroatopelcc[/nom]Fine. Then those who don't want to evolve are the only smart people. Fair enough. I'd rather be less knowledgable in your book and evolve to a gui that always works the same way,[/citation]
Just presented above the inherent limitations of a GUI. By your "logic" m$ offering console only installs is an "involution" - complain at m$, please.
Windblow$' "evolution" mostly involved radical GUI changes, hardly "works the same way"...
If you're happy to "evolve" to the GUI idiot level, be my guest.
[citation][nom]neiroatopelcc[/nom]and doesn't show smilies or joking messages every time a compile didn't work out as planned or a package failed to install due to one problem or another.[/citation]
m$'s cryptic numeric error messages are way more intellectually challenging, and involving...
[citation][nom]neiroatopelcc[/nom]If choosing the complicated and less elaborate way is what knowledgable people choose, then I don't want to be knowledgable.[/citation]
Knowledgeable people use the most efficient way to accomplish the given task. Even in GUIs KB shortcuts are frequently used to work faster, despite the possibility of extensive mouse acrobatics to get same effect, in most cases (sometimes it's even impossible to find a menu entry for the desired functionality). There isn't a "pure" GUI, maybe with the notable exception of a limited interface for some stupid gadget, which involves almost no brain usage - for the classic "push-button" idiot, with no clue about the consequences of his actions.
[citation][nom]neiroatopelcc[/nom]Those who use non windows desktops are nerds about it - not by choice, but because they have to in order to achieve the same level of functionality that a microsoft product delivers out of the box.[/citation]
You're really deluded... m$ didn't invent, nor offers the most functional GUI. It just changes things around, and offers more "bling"...
[citation][nom]neiroatopelcc[/nom]I use windows because I'm too lazy to go fiddle with stuff for hours just to make something work. So I choose an os that on top of being stable can actually provide me with the functionality I need without having to know everything.[/citation]
At least you're candid, and admit the real motives to use a GUI: laziness, complacency, and not at all knowledge. The "stability" part is highly disputable.
[citation][nom]neiroatopelcc[/nom]That however doesn't mean I don't know how it works. It doesn't mean that all of us many million people are not knowledgeable. Hell even atm's are running windows. Smart people choose the easy solution. You're not smart.[/citation]
You just have the impression to "know how it works", and "us many million people" are even more ignorant, and less likely to make the slightest effort to widen their horizons. As said before, smart people choose efficiency. Lazy people just choose the path of least resistance.
Maybe I'm not smart enough, but you're definitely just lazy.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]I work in the largest IT services company in the UK and without fail, every single engineer we have knows how to do this and when I asked a few of them if they WOULD do this they said???"What's the point? Why would I want to hide what OS I was using?"[/citation]
You're just plain stupid, and unable to read and comprehend the simplest statements. Just a recap:
"Those using non-m$ OSs have to use ... browser header faking, to circumvent idiotic limitations and checks, imposed by IIS sites."
If this is really the viewpoint of it's "engineers", I already pity the clients of that useless "largest IT services" company...