I wasn't really a fan of Windows 8 ( I hated the "Metro"-Interface before even using it) but since we get a free copy of Windows 8 from our University, I figured I'd try it on my Laptopt.
The new interface is a bit confusing at first, but 3 hours into it you are already acustomed to it and it works really fast! Think of the Metro-Interface as more of a Shortcut Screen accessable anytime, this way it's really awesome. When you are using the same apps as in Windows 7, you will stay at the desktop 100% of the time, except for when you launch an application (ie Metro = Shortcut). Just hitting Start and typing searches for an app you want to start (just like in Windows 7), so this behaivour is EXACTLY the same.
Performance is (as the article states) on par with Windows 7, but there is one example (at least for me) where it exceeds: Guild Wars 2 was unplayable on my Laptop with Windows 7. Everytime the game has to load data from the disk (so very often) FPS would drop from about 30 to 5, making things unplayable. In Windows 8, FPS are constant at 30, no drops. Finally playable.
So while Windows 8 doesn't increase FPS, it helps playability in some cases and it's as easy to use as Windows 7, if you take the time (rougly 3 hours for me) to get to know it.
Long story short: Try it, before you complain. I was changed from "Windows 8 is not worth my while" to "Windows 8 is awesome!" in about 1 day of use, so give it a chance!