hi i haven't posted much around mostly because win xp has worked pretty fine for me, until now. Abuot 5 days ago i had a problem with windows. i wake up one morning and i get an error saying that i'm missing windows/system32/config/system . I decide to end up using recovery console which doesn't not work in anyway possible because it says the errors aren't recoverable. i decide to just reinstall windows over the old windows. it work and i'm back into windows, just that i have a clean startup menu and a few other things which didn't matter. I restart and everything fine, until i shut down the computer overnight... the next morning, the same error comes up. i continue to do the resintallation again and windows is up again. i shut down overnight once again, the next morning i try to run windows installation again, only to find out the hardrive stops working. it keeps clicking and does not even allow me to run windows setup. the hardrive was shot. i run out to buy a new hardrive and set it up. the hardrive and a clean install of win runs fine, UNTIL i shut down overnight...the new hardrive was formatted and everything only to find out the same problems happens again. i reinstalled once again and the next morning windows ends up missing a file called hal.dll. i decide to buy a virus protection program and i run it on my old computer with the new hardrive as a slave. it found a few viruses and fixed it. i got the new hardrive working once again on my computer. well i was happy to think the problem was a virus...then i shut down overnight... this morning i wake up to find the computer is missing the system file once AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!(getting repetitive isn't it?) i restart and then more missing files come up. now here i am ready to shed tears and beat my computer to an pulp. what possibly could be wrong? i didn't everything when it was running last night, from defrag to registry cleanup and adwaware scans and virus scans. what the hell is going on? no matter what i do, i keep getting this problem, even after clean installs. My comp specs are a 2.8 ghz p4, 1024 pc2700 ram, 120 gig western digital hardrive, 80 gig western digitial as a slave, a radeon 9800, abit SR7-8X motherboard, a dvd rom drive, and a 48 x tdk burner. can someone help me before i decide to play baseball with my computer??? thank you