Question Windows Not Found/No Boot Device


Jan 20, 2015
Hello All,

My PC was working fine for the past year. Last night Chrome would not open when I clicked on it. Thought nothing of it and went to bed. Woke up this morning and tried again. Nothing. Restarted and my computer opened to a Windows recovery screen. Restarted, and same thing. Several more restarts, same thing. Tried a few of the recovery options and each failed.

I went in to BIOS and noticed there are no boot devices listed. My copy of Windows 10 is installed on a 240 GB SSD drive. Took the drive out, dusted, reconnected. Same issue. It doesn't give me the "No Boot Device Found" error message, just straight to Windows recovery screen. BIOS does recognize the SSD drive under the SATA info but not that its a boot device.

If I connect a CAT cable it will list a network boot option but that is it. Cannot get it to recognize the SSD at all.

Im stumped.

Thanks for the help.

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Hi, I appreciate the response as this is a new one for me. Just opened it up and can confirm I can get to the cmd prompt with it defaulting to X:\windows\system32