Could some one please explain a little what I am reading in windows task manager" the performance tab". I understand a little but need more in sight. Your time would be appreciated." PF usage "page file" showing one line at 135 mb." "Totals -Handles 6451 -Threads 358 - Processes 29." " Physical mem.Tot 523740 - Avail. 341624 -System cashe 22988." "Kernal Mem. Total 36000 - Page 21500 - Nonpaged 14480. " "Comit charge- Tot. 138176 -Limit 1280820 -Peak 141204.. Thease are what is listed while on the internet. I am running XP home. If some could shed some light on what I am reading and how this looks.Thanks bruce
Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?