Windows vs. Ubuntu: Dell's New Confusing Take

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Actually, I think it's better for a new user to use Ubuntu. Altho Win 7 has gone farther in being more intuitive, I feel Ubuntu is easier to learn. Of course, getting local help with Linux for newbies is not as easy as it is with Windows. As for people who have previously used windows, Ubuntu will not behave like thy expect an Operating System to behave and thus are easily frustrated with it.


Apr 15, 2009
[citation][nom]anon923048902384[/nom]"If you’re the kind of person who likes your computer to simply work, Ubuntu is right for you. It’s based on stable"This is so wrong, in ubuntu 9 at least, I didnt try 10 yet, but I got loads of errors and difficulties, from installing java into firefox requiring a lot of weird console commands which is imo the reason why any linux based OS still fails tothe public, to the "ubuntu update" that failed in the middle and didn't install anything, but somehow marked all updates as installed and I couldn't reinstall them again, a mess of a OS compared to windows.[/citation]

I tried linux for the first time a few months ago. I was JUST trying to install some basic programs (of which i had found linux versions for!) and it was a pain to get anything done! It's a fantastic operating system, but like I complained to my friend "I shouldn't have to be a CS major to be able to learn how to use this thing. Period".


Aug 10, 2009
I do like Ubuntu and did find is was relatively easy to navigate. Dell's chart is about as worthless as tits on a hog! It should say use Ubuntu if you don't wanna pay for a new MS OS every 2 years just to have the latest crap!


Jul 21, 2010
Wow it amazes me how many ignorant people are posting comments on this article, more than half of you have never used Ubuntu and if you have you've never used it with Dell hardware. I have an XPS 430, 2 Dell Mini HD's(for the Kids) and a XPS 1330 Laptop(Wife) all which run Ubuntu 10.04. Let's see I do everything I do on Windows and more, I can actually run Windows inside my XPS 430 via VirtualBox and no I'm not a Nerd. I actually use my PC for graphic design.

I can do all of the above:
-Listen to music
-watch movies
-sync my iPhone, MP3 players
-Open Word, Power Point and Excel documents in OpenOpen(Which comes Bundled with Ubuntu)
-Use my Wacon Intous4 Tablet
-Use Gimp (replacement for Photoshop)
-Use Inkscape (replacement for illustrator)
-RhythmBox (iTunes Replacement)
-Open Office (replacement for MS Office)
-Fire Fox/Google Chrome/Opera (replacement for Internet Explorer)
-No virus or Malware issues at all

So I do all this and yet this is the best Dell can come up with are these people stupid or is it that the Ubuntu adoption rate is rapidly increasing and Microsoft is now sending their PR machine to attack it(Seems like it to me).

Microsoft must have paid Dell a pretty penny for this chart, wow I am speechless. And as usual people who can't think for themselves will actually believe this non-sense instead of actually giving the OS a shot (try it for yourself first


Mar 5, 2010
[citation][nom]serra[/nom]It is fairly clear that anyone using that chart to decide, should choose Windows. I can see their point, Unbuntu isn't for the majority of users, since it does require a tiny bit of willingness to find solutions and software that isn't on the shelf at BestBuy.[/citation]

Ubuntu is not for everyone, but to say that a new user should choose Windows over Ubuntu is silly. If they are new to computers everything is going to be NEW so they are going to need to learn everything from what a mouse is and how to use it, to what is e-mail and how do I get it.

I can see to a degree that there are more Windows users then Ubuntu users out there for support so you could probably ask anyone "How do I get to the internet?" and they would explain how to use Internet Explorer.



Aug 10, 2009
[citation][nom]spartan2276[/nom]And as usual people who can't think for themselves will actually believe this non-sense instead of actually giving the OS a shot (try it for yourself first[/citation]

Don't knock it before you try it!


Jul 21, 2010
Oh and yes Ubuntu runs Flash, and websites which require it. Yes it also runs Java very smoothly in fact better than windows. While running Ubuntu if you Click on Application>Ubuntu Software Center then do a search for Java it will give you the software you need to install click on the install button and your good to go, so why all the fuzz about not being able to install software? Again total non-sense from those of you whom are either paid by MS to troll on sites such as these or are too much of a fanboy(s) to actual try something new.

You guys should try it sometime! It would do wonders for yah!


Dell should stop patronizing its clients and offer them real choice. Why is Ubuntu not a choice on most of Dell's high end machines? Why does it offer so many variations of Windows (XP/Vista/7 Home/Professional/Ultimate 32/64) and not doing the same with Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu? Answer: Dell's customer still pay the Micro$oft tax and Dell benefits from it.

The argument that "if you have never used a computer, you should choose Windows" is completely flawed. The biggest hurdle faced by the user is *switching* from one O/S to another O/S. Leave the Windows-prejudice behind and Ubuntu reveals itself as a much more user-friendly system. Count the number of clicks, elapsed seconds, crap to read and accept, that you have to go through to surf a Flash or Java enabled website with a bare install of Windows (using Micro$oft's CDs) vs. a bare install of Kubuntu. If you have never used a computer, it is actually easier (and cheaper!) to go Ubuntu.

Another flawed argument is the "Windows programs" one. For most Windows programs there are excellent replacements in Ubuntu. Most of them have better value proposition. And for the few cases in which I need to run Windows program, Wine, the Windows emulator, does a great job. And for those missing Windows all together, they can use Virtualbox to run Windows in a secured sandbox.


Oct 16, 2009
Dell is full of SH!7.... I'm tired of this things, bad publicity for an open source OS?.. that's just lame.
Should be like this, Don't want to pay a lot for your office utilities? Use OpenOffice, Don't want to pay a lot for an OS which you don't know If its going to be of use to you? (ejem.. Vista) Use Ubuntu, or maybe not..
But if you don't play hard (XFX logo) then you really need to think about getting a free OS (Ubuntu) that does everything else that Windows does, but for free...

Simple as this
Play Demanding games? then Windows is for you
Watch videos in youtube, waste your days in front of facebook page, read mails, excel, word, etc? then Ubuntu fits your needs just fine, and it's tax free sucker!


Jul 21, 2010
Is funny how that has a European link, I wonder where is the US version of that page. Come on Europeans pride themselves on being more open minded than Americans, I just can't believe that this is only up on Dell's Europe site. For some reason I think the Ubuntu Adoption is greater in Europe than it is here in the US. Well if you Ubuntu newbies need some help open up an IRC chat right from the Empathy IM Client(which comes bundled with Ubuntu). Create a new Account, by clicking on Edit>Accounts>Click the Add button(left hand side) and Selecting the IRC protocol on the Network choose the "Ubuntu Servers" choose a nick name click on Login. Now on your IM contact list click on Room>Join and Choose the Account( and in the Room text box type #ubuntu or if you live in Florida #ubuntu-us-fl and BAM! you got free tech support.


Apr 15, 2009
Power Point and Excel documents in OpenOpen(Which comes Bundled with Ubuntu)
-Use Gimp (replacement for Photoshop)
-Use Inkscape (replacement for illustrator)
-RhythmBox (iTunes Replacement)[/citation]

The average user isn't going to want to sacrifice using those bread and butter programs so that they can use linux. I'm not hating on linux as an OS, but instead linux as a potential mainstream OS.


Jul 21, 2010
Go ahead and define average user for me. I'm an average user and again I use those programs with no problems. What you actually meant to say is YOU wont use them. So to make the claim that other people will not is ridiculous.

Like I said be open minded and try something new and you will be surprise how far this OS will take you. Heck if you don't want to use it great; but don't try to discourage others from doing so. It is FREE and it benefits the People which is what matters. Remember your a consumer(s)(unless you work for or own MS stocks) this is great for the consumers so why all the fuzz, don't you realize that the more people use it the faster those main stream applications you so desperately can't live without will be ported over. Unless you got a boat load of money to burn(and if so send some my way cause I need some) then by all means stick to Windows or OSX and live with all their restrictions and vendor lock-in schemes. I can live with that!


Jul 21, 2010
[citation][nom]gogogadgetliver[/nom]OOOHhhh they were disparaging about my beloved opensource. I'm gonna get all butthurt now.[/citation]
You should not, is not healthy for you!


Wow, I am also surprised by the comments so far. As spartan 2276 has mentioned, just by the comments alone, it is quite obvious who has used and who has not used linux let alone ubuntu. I have three operating systems: Win7 Pro x64, Mint9 x64, and Ubuntu 10.04 x64. I use ubuntu for my personal needs and Win7 for other things. My wife uses mint9 for herself and win7 for other things. Ubuntu is very simple to use, more so in some ways than windows is. It IS more secure than windows due to several reasons, none of which I will discuss here. And it has no problem with using java or flash. And acuatlly, there is a large, HUGE, repo of games that are available on linux. And I mean FPS, RTS, etc. Granted none of them are crysis and some other very huge windows games, but for my likes, it works just fine. I can actually run Halflife 2, Portal, world of warcraft, and tons of other 'windows' games in ubuntu just fine and it took me like 3 mins to prep the system to install the games. There are also native games, like nuexiz that are just awesome!!! My ATI GPUs work just fine in crossfire mode with ubuntu and all I had to do was click on "install hadrware driver" from the menu and viola! So for those of you that say that ubuntu and linux are horrible, you don't understand it. And I am willing to guess that you really truly haven't used it. Using a live CD doesn't count as using it. Install it on your system and try it for a month, then you might be getting close to 'trying it'. Just keep in mind that linux != windows. Just like windows != OSX. There are so many things that linux can do that windows cant. Just like there are many things that windows can do that linux can't. A car and a motorcycle both get you to where you are going but a motorcylce can't hold 6 people. Just like a car should be driven without doors, windows, hood, and on two tires. They both do their jobs for which they are designed and do it well. Oh, and a linux server won't get infected by just surfing the net. Open your minds guys and stop bashing before you know. That is called ignorance.


Sep 30, 2009
Dell pushing Ubuntu this hard will only cause them problems since the majority of people who buy Dell have no idea what Ununtu or Linux is or how to use it and what software and hardware they will be able to run. Linux/Ubuntu is for experienced users that have mastered Windows and want to try something different for a non-Windows experience. They will have to increase their tech support by 10 times just to handle the idiots users that had no idea what they were buying and Dell will only have themselves to blame.

I installed Ubuntu via the virtual method within Win7 to see what it was like and I will admit I was lost. I immediately realized I would never use it and just uninstalled it.


May 12, 2009
[citation][nom]lradunovic77[/nom]I say Windows XP cause Ubuntu just like every other Linux Distribution is boring useless operating system. Who wants to spend time compiling drivers or kernel everytime you need to install something which should be simple process. I'd rather spend that time doing programming in .NET or whatever and make something useful. Linux hardcore people should go to psychologist first cause they have serious issues...[/citation]
ladies and gentleman, stupidity at it's finest.


Jul 21, 2010
[citation][nom]edilee[/nom]Dell pushing Ubuntu this hard will only cause them problems since the majority of people who buy Dell have no idea what Ununtu or Linux is or how to use it and what software and hardware they will be able to run. Linux/Ubuntu is for experienced users that have mastered Windows and want to try something different for a non-Windows experience. They will have to increase their tech support by 10 times just to handle the idiots users that had no idea what they were buying and Dell will only have themselves to blame.I installed Ubuntu via the virtual method within Win7 to see what it was like and I will admit I was lost. I immediately realized I would never use it and just uninstalled it.[/citation]

That is absolutely not true, the point you are making is ridiculous it is the same thing as Windows user going to an Apple store or Best Buy and getting a MAC, please stop the non-sense. It is an operating system just like windows, it has a web browser which allows to browse the web, it has a file manager which allows to create/save/edit/delete your files. And it has tons of bundled software. So your claims is just pure ignorance. So what was so hard about clicking on Applications(for your programs), Places(for your Documents etc.) and System(for everything related to your system)? Again you failed to take the time to actually try it and see how it worked. Another user whom thinks that if it is not Windows then is not a PC, you guys are a Joke!
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