WindowsXP64bit on one drive Vista64 on the other...


Jun 11, 2006
Can I make a dual boot system `after` having installed the two OS's on different drives, independantly?

PS I know you `can` make a dual boot system by installing one then the other but I have them installed already, for the simple reason, I didn't want one to affect/break the other.

Thanks in advance
Don't quote me... but If I'm right on this...what your going to have to do to use one or the other is switch "Bootup" drives everytime you want to use the other.

Say drive "C" has "XP" on it and drive "D" has "2000" on it ... your going to have to switch the "bootup" to the "D" drive to use "2000"... and vica versa.

Hope I'm not misleading you.