Question Wondering what this potentiometer controls on this board, Its a Mean Well LOP-500-27 without variable voltage.

if you don´t know it, leave it, replace it. Too dangerous to adjust while hot wired, if you don´t know what you are doing.

what´s the naming of the connector beside and the potentiometer on the board?

Most likely the fan spin rate, voltage to the fan will be controlled by it. is the voltage rating of the fans identical?


Jun 2, 2023
if you don´t know it, leave it, replace it. Too dangerous to adjust while hot wired, if you don´t know what you are doing.

what´s the naming of the connector beside and the potentiometer on the board?

Most likely the fan spin rate, voltage to the fan will be controlled by it. is the voltage rating of the fans identical?

The connector beside the Potentiometer is a function connector of some kind. I don't know what goes there. There is a name for the connector but not for what plugs into it. This is the name of the connector:

Function Connector(CN3): TKP DH2I-2X2 or equivalent

The fan i plugged in is 12v .37 amps but its just ticks and won't turn on. The fan made for it is 12v 0.08 amps or 0.12 amps. But it is suppost to go up to 0.5 amps. I used a fan under .5 amps but it wont work. The pdf says something about .02 amps without a fan but doesn't tell you how to set this power supply to use a fan.

It says that it runs at 320 watts without fan. But with a fan it will run at 500 watts. But there is no switch so maybe the Potentiometer turns up the wattage or amperage or something.

Im going to buy an amperage tester and hook that to the power supply and see what amperage it is at. I want to know if i am getting 320 watts or 500 watts.

There pdf is pretty useless in my opinion the diagrams don't match my board


Jun 2, 2023
if you don´t know it, leave it, replace it. Too dangerous to adjust while hot wired, if you don´t know what you are doing.

what´s the naming of the connector beside and the potentiometer on the board?

Most likely the fan spin rate, voltage to the fan will be controlled by it. is the voltage rating of the fans identical?

I found the pdf on the trimmer it only adjust 0.5 watts so that cant be the actual power supply trimmer. It must be for the fan for sure. Or at least that is what the pdf above suggest

take a look at the above pdf and tell me if i am wrong. It says it adjust 10% or .5 watts
You are bound and determined to earn that Darwin Award aren't you? This is NOT something that you as an amateur should even be involved with. Obtain the services of a professional. Either that or have both the Fire Department and EMS on speed dial.


Jun 2, 2023
You are bound and determined to earn that Darwin Award aren't you? This is NOT something that you as an amateur should even be involved with. Obtain the services of a professional. Either that or have both the Fire Department and EMS on speed dial.
I contacted the Mean Well USA and left a message with them and i am very disappointed that they don't have 24/7 technical support being a medical power supply manufacturer. Pdf's that don't match there board. Making revisions without updating diagrams.

I have a friend that is a professional solder reworker and i have consulted them with my project

I believe in Jesus so i won't be winning any Darwin Awards cause there is no such thing. I wouldn't think of my self as an amateur either. That is the second time you indirectly called me an idiot and i don't appreciate it.

Did your parents or whoever raised you ever tell you that if you don't have anything nice to say then maybe you shouldn't say anything at all

I am a 35 year old adult and a U.S. Veteran and messing with a power supply is by far one of the less dangerous things i have done in my life. It's basically nothing dangerous in my opinion. I don't need a fire department or ems.

I don't mean to get high or mighty but you Disrepected me twice.

I am Just looking for simple answers to simple questions about power supplies on a computer hardware website.
U.S. Navy veteran myself (Submarines) and have considerably more than twice as many years experience than you even have on this planet. I have had the unpleasant experience to watch a shipmate die in an electrical incident in which I was holding his safety rope. I do not take electrical safety of ANY kind lightly (and neither should you). You have both demonstrated, and admitted to not being very well versed in anything electrical which means that you are in no way, shape or form qualified to be doing the things you are attempting.


Jun 2, 2023
Well i talk to a representative at Mean Well and found out that trimmer turns up the voltage of the Power supply itself not the fan. So i won't be messing with that cause the voltage is already plenty enough.

The fan also does not turn on unless there is 20% load on the power supply. So it only gets .2 amps without load witch kinda sucks cause now i have to buy a weaker fan Cause i need the fan to run all the time.

So just a FYI if you try to run another fan other than the one made for the power supply you have to stay below 0.2amps for the fan to run all the time. Otherwise you have to have a 20% load for the fan to turn on. So it will go up to .5 amps only with load on the power supply

It is difficult to get the fan made for the power supply in the United states.