[citation][nom]ncr7002[/nom]No way, the iPad couldn't possibly push WoW at playable framerates, if it can push it at all, not unless a specific version is developed as a native app for it, and I'm not sure about that either. And before someone says so, showing a single lvl 1 char standing on an empty road to Goldshire is Not playing WoW, any serious hardware running the game needs to push at least 25 fps on a current 25-man raid all the time, otherwise you can't call it *playable*.[/citation]
Its not running WoW, its streaming video of WoW running on their servers.
This would be awesome if you mounted the iPad on a stand and had a keyboard and mouse (i.e. a laptop w/ mouse). To me, this tech could be useful streaming to a laptop. If it can run the latest games at low latency, this could allow even midrange laptops to game.