Yes, I can see it all now (cue flash back memory)
I was working for Mr.IswallowsemenformysecondjobandIlikethe taseitremindsmeofmydad'sthickcreamysemen when he came in...Mr.2dicks sloppy bottom! He wanted me to look at his slots on his mobo, I was more than happy to look at them, but I informed him their would be a charge, he was fine with that and then left.
I was looking at his slots, it was raining and I could see a distinct figure lurking in the shadows...It was Mr.2dicks sloppy bottom, he was holding something in his hand...It was his tool...AND my what a tool it was, no sooner had he whipped it out that he ripped my tousers off to take a good look at my BSB, he was impressed by the speed at which it ran. No sooner had he slotted his RAM in my BSB, he was shouting...HHHMMM RUFTY.