[SOLVED] Would a desktop power supply get damaged in luggage on a coach?


Nov 9, 2013
So I have to travel in a few weeks and I can fit my motherboard, GPU, and HDD/SSD in my backpack in their original boxes. Sadly my ATX PSU does not fit in my backpack unless I just get a bigger pack which I might do instead. I was hoping to turn it into an ITX case instead but can't quite yet unfortunately. So I was thinking of keeping the motherboard, cpu, cpu cooler, and ram built as is in the motherboard box. The cooler is only the wraith stealth cooler so it should fit if not I can take that off and stuff. Then I would put the gpu in its box and both boxes fit fine and wrap the hard drive and ssd in bubblewrap but the only downside is that the psu won't fit. It might fit in my suitcase but there is no guarantee that they won't put other bags and stuff on top of mine cause they are like that so I am worried if something is heavy it might damage the psu. Could the psu break? I am not going to bring my case cause I have an old computer case at home. Should I post my psu to my house? Or would it be fine to carry? I might see if I could bring it in a plastic bag but don't want to carry too many other bits and bobs.
Remove the heatsink off the motherboard when you travel with it. You don't want anything connected to it. I would remove RAM and CPU as well and store those snugly in static bags in sturdy sided containers. You probably will have to explain to airport security about what you have in your bag.
PSU’s are relatively hardy, it’s possible if someone handled it horribly but it’d be impossible to know.
That's my problem! I don't know if it will get damaged or not cause it is a metal box and its from Corsair so it's quite good. Chances are it will be fine. I might put the psu in a box in a plastic bag and tie it to my backpack. Then it won't be heavy to carry and kinda outta the way so they should let it on the coach hopefully. But yeah it should be fine in my luggage. I'll see if there's a way to protect it somehow.
We have Easter Holidays at my college and cause they are old fashioned residential students like me half to go home. Though I want to double check if I can stay here or not. There might be a chance I don't have to leave my room. I am self-catered anyway so I don't really need the canteen or any facilities.
I have traveled with all PC parts except Case multiple times across the Atlantic in the checked baggage. Never been any issue.
Thank you!! That's a relief to hear. I just get extra paranoid with PC parts. Should I use my clothes as packaging? I have the box the psu came with and bubblewrap for extra protection. It should be fine hopefully.
Remove the heatsink off the motherboard when you travel with it. You don't want anything connected to it. I would remove RAM and CPU as well and store those snugly in static bags in sturdy sided containers. You probably will have to explain to airport security about what you have in your bag.
Remove the heatsink off the motherboard when you travel with it. You don't want anything connected to it. I would remove RAM and CPU as well and store those snugly in static bags in sturdy sided containers. You probably will have to explain to airport security about what you have in your bag.
Yeah I might remove the heatsink and ram and cpu but I am not going to an airport so I don't have to worry about security I am pretty sure that PC parts are allowed on the coach. It is just a coach (i.e. bus) and a train so I think it will be fine. I have the CPU box and bubble wrap for the ram etc. Thanks for the advice! If I was going on a flight I would definitely check with the airlines if I was allowed to.