Would adding a switch be a good idea?


Oct 21, 2012
I don't know if this is where I should be posting but feel free to direct me to where I should be.

I was wondering if adding a switch to my network setup would solve my issue. Right now our home network consist of a Bell 2wire 2701HG-G modem/router that runs to a Dlink DIR-825 router. The 2wire didn't have enough wired ports hence getting the dlink router. On the 2wire we have 2 wired computers running windows 7 and a sharp aquos tv. On the dlink we have 1 wired computer running Ubuntu and a playstation 3.

As of right now I can access all the computers on the network from the ubuntu computer and so can my tablet connected to the dlink wireless. The other 2 windows computers cannot see the ubuntu computer or the tablet. I would like to set it up so all the computers can access each other and the tv can find all media servers on each computer. I would also like to know that if I add connect everything to switch will I still be able to access wireless devices and vice versa?

I'm not super educated in networking so if you could keep it as simple as possible that would be a big help.



Is DHCP on in the D-Link router, which would create a subnet? To quickly figure it out, type ipconfig in the command prompt window of a computer on the 2Wire and on the D-Link and the gateways will differ in the third octet (like one will be and the other

If so (and I suspect that it is), just disable the DHCP in the D-Link, give the D-Link a static or reserved dynamic address in the 2Wire network range (but outside the DHCP assignable range to prevent conflicts) -- that basically turns the D-Link into a wireless access point/switch. You don't need another switch unless you run out of LAN ports.


Oct 21, 2012
I discovered the issue. I still had the dlink connected to the 2wire and it kept saying there was a subnet conflict. I disconnected the router, changed the settings and plugged it back into the lan port and it works! Thanks so much.