[citation][nom]ta152h[/nom]Schools in need? They overspend like crazy, and teachers have easy jobs, with good pay and a lot of time off.Sorry, I know it's PC to say spend money on kids, and more money for education, but it's all nonsense. Kids are spoiled, and teachers have easy jobs, and schools love spending tax payer money. If they spent it on stray cats or dogs, or roaming donkeys, I'd do it. People suck.[/citation]
You need to see the movie "The Cartel: How Special Interests Block Real Education Reform" They go through the schools that have the poorest performance records and count the luxury automobiles in the parking lot... the higher the number of Mercedes the worse the school is! Its like the teacher's unions and the politicians dont understand that the teachers are the problem not the money the bulk majority of the time.
But today Steve Balmer came out and said that he's giving away half of his entire fortune to charity when he dies... gates already announced he and buffett were giving away all of their money to charity when they die (finners crossed its this year for tax purposes). So why the hell are they on this everyone be charitable kick? Obama. They (buffett, gates and balmer) and google are all big lefties who abuse capitalism to make their billions then tell all of us to give away our money as if we aren't living paycheck to paycheck (trying to afford 200 bucks for windows 7 maybe). They think that if they are seen proclaiming to give all their money away that maybe obama wont sick his regulatory czar or his science and technology czar on them as being evil capitalist pigs. It's purely self interest even though it sounds like they care about the children they just dont want the government to come down on them like they did the health care or banking sectors... with 2300-3000 pages of regulation.