[WTB] Noctua NM-i20xx mounting kits

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Feb 23, 2024
London, United Kingdom

Hello all. Over the past month I have been scouring the internet for 2 sets of Nocuta's NM-i20xx mounting kits. They are needed quite urgently.

I have already contacted Noctua support and ordered them, however they did not send me the full kits. Missing from both was 2 part no. NM-IFB2 which are the fastening brackets that attach onto the actual cooler block. This took 2 weeks to arrive, and I'm afraid it would take just as long to get the remaining parts.

I've check all local sources and cannot find any, so I've come to ask here. Happy to pay for the mounts themselves and postage if postage is needed.

Many thanks.
This kit?


In the meantime, do not give up more time: contact Noctura immediately if that has not already been done.

Noctura may or may not agree to an expedited shipment.

Backup plan.......


That's the correct kit, and I have already emailed Noctua support asking for the missing parts.

Sadly Amazon UK doesn't have any in stock, by the looks of it they were permanently taken off Amazon in January of this year. Probably because LGA 2011-3 is almost compeltely dead bar a few uses.
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