

Jan 28, 2003
Hey all,

I have looked at:


page on cyberpower and I have looked around here as well. I am interested to hear your updated opinions on the company, I am currently looking at either an Intel or AMD sys from them, thx.

Although you could have luck with any vendor, I wouldn't waste your money with one that has a score below the average, let alone one that isn't on the top 10 list.

<A HREF="http://www.resellerratings.com/seller2120.html" target="_new">http://www.resellerratings.com/seller2120.html</A>

You're looking at a mixed bag review here. I wouldn't touch them.

<font color=red>
<A HREF="http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?dhlucke" target="_new">Introducing the NVIDIA GeForceFX: The first Videocard designed exclusively for deaf people!</A></font color=red>
That one's much better. Bluehornet have you found another vendor yet? I think you should try to find one with good reviews so that you avoid any aggravation.

<font color=red>
<A HREF="http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?dhlucke" target="_new">Introducing the NVIDIA GeForceFX: The first Videocard designed exclusively for deaf people!</A></font color=red>
yeah I have, I am going to go with ABS, I have another post in this section in my Desktop Sys. post about it. I will soon be posting for advice on two ABS systems. thx.

-=<font color=blue>i3lue}{orneT</font color=blue>=-
Both my brother and a friend have bought from Cyberpower in the recent past. They have both been very satisfied with their PCs (both are P4 systems).

I, on the other hand, spent half of what they did by building my own equally-powerful Athlon XP system, buying parts from places like NewEgg.Com.

<font color=blue>
Guns kill people just like spoons make Rosie O'Donnell fat.
<font color=blue>
Run do not walk to the nearest exit. Do not buy from these people. They will cheat you. They are not cyberpowerinc, they are multiple companys with muliple identies, they change to cover their tracks, they will sell you stuff, when and if you get the parts which is most likly hood you wont, they will send you faulty parts. When you go back to the resellar ratings look up a company called buyxtremegear. They are the same company. Support sucks worse than any company imagened. The shipping is very slow to say the least.

Go to Monarchcomputers.com, Newegg.com, or Googlegear.com. Those are the companies you want to do business with.
www.monarchcomputer.com is much better than cyber power. call and ask for jason or jermey tell them kim from svt sent you and they will give you $50.00 off.
Joke or no joke, when the vast majority of the Cyperpower responses are horror stories of interminable delays and support stonewalling, and the vast majority of ABS responses are positive, the sample size could be 2% and still be adequate for me to make a decision.