Darkbreeze :
I should have noted, and I appologize, that after trying each setting, if it doesn't effect a cure, you should likely return the setting to what it was at by default unless it's a setting that you know you want to keep changed. Hopefully, I think you did that. If so, that's good.
I am just about out of idea. I may have to call in reinforcements. LOL.
EXCEPT, that ALL of the C state options should be left to either enabled or auto under the CPU options.
Did you install the latest chipset and other drivers from your motherboard product page?
Can you go into device manager and see if there are any devices "remarked" with a question mark or exclamation point next to them. They will be obvious and will already be expanded to that device, if there are any.
Short of any other ideas, I think this is probably a motherboard problem and you might want to contact Gigabyte, although IDK if your board is still under warranty or not?
Correct i did, Also all the c state options are set to auto. All Drivers for the MB are up to date, also the bios. I went into Device Manager and Non were marked with a question mark or exclamation point. I contacted Gigabyte and are going back and fourth with them to get 1 last final answer here is the chat log if you care or not. Hopefully can help someone in the future if they ever came across this problem and has ocd in wanting to try to fix it ahah!
Question: Error Code E3 on Motherboard, when i sleep the computer and instantly wake it up it goes away and goes to code 73 is there any way of fixing this error code its not a big deal but quite annoying if it can be fixed with putting the computer to sleep and waking it up... but when i shut down the computer and turn it on it goes to error code e3 it doesnt seem to effect anything i would just like to know how to get rid of it... 10/15/2018 10:54 AM
Dear customer,
E3 is not an error code, it's normal S3 resume, when system wake / resume from sleep. You may refer to MB manual page 143, debug code chart for detail. If system currently runs fine, there has nothing need to be worry."
Question: so my question is this... so even shutting down your computer and turning it off is considered "system wake/resume from sleep"?? 10/16/2018 7:15 PM
Dear customer,
If hard press power off then turn it back on or press reset system restart, it will consider as power resume.
Best regards,
GIGABYTE technical support team.
Question: So what your telling me is that every motherboard that is a X299 AORUS Gaming 7 (1.0) that has no errors will always display the E3 code unless they have an error? Correct? Because E3 is always displayed like i said the only way this code will go away is if i put my computer to sleep and wake it up from the sleep state.. If my computer is shut down and i turn my computer back on it will display E3 as soon as my computer reaches the windows loading screen. this code doesn't disappear. Only once i am booted into windows and set my computer to sleep and wake it back up. Like i stated. but as soon as i power off my computer and turn it back on it will display E3. I am just curious if all your X299 AORUS Gaming 7 (1.0) motherboards display this if there are no errors worth displaying on the led debugger.
10/17/2018 5:20 PM
Dear customer,
I'm saying E3 isn't an error code, If you have system wake from stand by / Sleep or press reset button on system code E3 will shows. If you shut system down from Windows correctly, every time in normal cold boot the E3 code shows, I suggest you test with other power supply for result.
Best regards,
GIGABYTE technical support team.
10/18/2018 2:26 PM