The most fascinating thing about these money and power mongers are that they are VERY bright indeed, and usually understands math better than most of us. Yet the most simple curve is completely ignored in the pursuit of money.
This curve could be of such different things as:
- Power consumption and its cost/impact on earth ressources
- Cost of aquiring ressources as they become more scarce/rare
- Specific spicies extinction event as humans overconsume and destroy all natural habitats.
- Global Temperature as MASSIVE supercomputers guzzle Peta or Zetta watthours to generate pointless cryptocoins, make a better chatbot or generate new funny catimages to no use.
- Human overpopulation as the rich and powerfull continues to ignore and overexploit the less fortunate
Most of us understands how things ends with exponential curves......
Yet it doesn't seem to register to these super humans. I guess they are not to bright after all....