I tried enabling XMP and using 2933 MHz for my RAM but when I save settings and my PC restarts, when I check my RAM, it still in default speed: 2133MHz.
When I check back the BIOS, the XMP is enabled and saved at 2933 MHz but doesn't apply for some reason.
Why doesn't it apply the changes?
RAM: Corsair LPX 32GB DRAM 3000MHz
Motherboard: Gigabyte AB350M-Gaming 3-CF
Is there any compatibilty issue?
When I check back the BIOS, the XMP is enabled and saved at 2933 MHz but doesn't apply for some reason.
Why doesn't it apply the changes?
RAM: Corsair LPX 32GB DRAM 3000MHz
Motherboard: Gigabyte AB350M-Gaming 3-CF
Is there any compatibilty issue?