XP can't delete on samba share



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin (More info?)

I have a samba server running on a Solaris box. Win2k and NT clients have
been able to use the samba share fine for years. (read, write, delete). Now
that we have deployed XP clients, the users can read and write files but not
delete them even when the unix permissions are wide open (777). It appears
that XP iinterprets permissions differently than the previous OS's did. Any
suggestions on how to open up the delete permissions? Thanks
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin (More info?)

City of Henderson, NV wrote:

> I have a samba server running on a Solaris box. Win2k and NT clients
> have been able to use the samba share fine for years. (read, write,
> delete). Now that we have deployed XP clients, the users can read and
> write files but not
> delete them even when the unix permissions are wide open (777). It
> appears
> that XP iinterprets permissions differently than the previous OS's
> did. Any
> suggestions on how to open up the delete permissions? Thanks

I'm not sure why you'd be experiencing this. I don't have any problems
deleting files on my Linux machines (SuSE 9.1 Pro) from the Windows
machines (XP Pro). We just set up a test server (also using 9.1 Pro) at
school and didn't have any problems transferring a file and then
deleting it from the Windows box. For the school box, we used Webmin
because we want to try a lot of other things (and my partner likes
gui's). Aside from creating the users and then adding them to Samba
users, we didn't do anything special. Are the XP users also added to
the Solaris server? Are you getting any error messages from Windows?

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