xp license


Aug 22, 2005
does anyone know where I can get a cheap xp license, I have the cd, so I was wondering if there are any type of programs I could take advantage of to get a chaper xp license....
Um, you can't legally.

You're not buying the CD. You're buying the key mainly. If you lost it, you're screwed. If you had lost your CD but had the key, you would have been fine.
It's mainly VLK licensing in that sense.. 20-50% lower would still be thousands of dollars.

Even if the OEM/System Builders were available, he'd be hard pressed to get one from them. Most companies switched to VLK instead of buying individual copies.
does anyone know where I can get a cheap xp license, I have the cd, so I was wondering if there are any type of programs I could take advantage of to get a chaper xp license....

ummm.... www.ebay.com (cheap) http://cgi.ebay.com/MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-XP-PROFESSIONAL-FULL-VERSION-W-KEY_W0QQitemZ7203193529QQcategoryZ41887QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
even beta 1 of Windows Vista (Old but why not for 1 dollar?) http://cgi.ebay.com/Microsoft-Windows-Vista-Beta1-x86-x64-from-PDC_W0QQitemZ7204682737QQcategoryZ11229QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
ummm.... www.ebay.com (cheap)
It's not.
What you saw there are the listings not their prices. When the auctions end, believe me, they're most likely going over the actual prices that you could buy somewhere else.
There is no such thing as a "cheap" LEGAL key. Find someone willing to give you a distributors price which is ONLY a key (like an OEM box has) and you will have a deal. About $25. I know that one for sure.