xp loads and then it does not?


Jan 17, 2001
I have installed xp from a E machine restore disk twice. I did this on two different hard drives to make sure it was not the drive. Xp will load ok but when it finishes the scroll loading windows "(the dashes that scroll on the screen just before going in windows)"it goes to a page with a black background and nothing else. Like I said I have tried two different drives. I don't believe it is the video because I have no video problems up to that point. Would there be a easy explanation for this behavior. Bruce
I need a clarification. Are saying you have SUCCESSFULLY installed XP twice before using the "E" restore disc on two prior hd's???

And now, on a third hard drive, it's not working???

Is the restore disc a CD?

What is the technique you have been instructed to use when working with this disc? Is it bootable?
sorry about the misunderstanding. I have just figured it out. The PC had a hardware change and the E MAchine restore does not respond very good to that. I removed the new hardware and it booted fine. I do have one question. I ahve another PC that had a boot failure. After installing win98 on the old drive again I had no problem untill I rebooted and got a boot failure again. I got a brand new drive and reinstalled 98 again and it worked fine untill I did my first driver install and rebooted and got another Boot failure. What gives with this . The new drive is fine what else could give me a boot failure? Bruce
One would think that the driver installation didn't go well. For all Windows, if a driver doesn't load for a piece of hardware that's coming into play, in many likelihoods the boot will fail.

What kind of driver? For what device?

Try booting in Safe Mode and removing the driver.

There are other hardware variables to consider. A "failing" power supply and a sporadically bad stick of memory also cause boot failures.