Question XPS 9550 Blue Screen Error


Jun 24, 2019
I've been getting blue screen errors for months now. For the longest time, I've been doing trial and errors and thought the ram might be defective. But after a memtest and alternating between my two rams, I can now guarantee that my ram is just fine.
I've updated all the drivers and did everything I can. But something somewhere is not right. For some reason, my computer doesn't create a dump file. When it goes to a blue screen, it quickly shows the error and then restarts without loading from 0 to 100%. When it does load though (like 2% of the time), it creates a dump file. I've saved one of those and ran it through WinDbg.
Here is the dump file and
Here is the debugged info text.

Since I copy pasted the result, I'm not sure I copy pasted the whole debugged result. But I think everything's there. Just letting you know.

Please help me. I'm running out of ideas with what to do with this.
How many passes of memtest did you go through before you ruled the ram(and the ram slots on the board) to not be faulty?
Just one test. But I was told that would pretty much be enough? Because that one single test took me about 3-4 hours to complete.

Also an update, I kept the pc in safe mode yesterday for about 20 hours and waited for it to crash. It didn't. That means we can pretty much rule out core software/drivers and hardware, right?