I've been getting blue screen errors for months now. For the longest time, I've been doing trial and errors and thought the ram might be defective. But after a memtest and alternating between my two rams, I can now guarantee that my ram is just fine.
I've updated all the drivers and did everything I can. But something somewhere is not right. For some reason, my computer doesn't create a dump file. When it goes to a blue screen, it quickly shows the error and then restarts without loading from 0 to 100%. When it does load though (like 2% of the time), it creates a dump file. I've saved one of those and ran it through WinDbg.
Here is the dump file and
Here is the debugged info text.
Since I copy pasted the result, I'm not sure I copy pasted the whole debugged result. But I think everything's there. Just letting you know.
Please help me. I'm running out of ideas with what to do with this.
I've updated all the drivers and did everything I can. But something somewhere is not right. For some reason, my computer doesn't create a dump file. When it goes to a blue screen, it quickly shows the error and then restarts without loading from 0 to 100%. When it does load though (like 2% of the time), it creates a dump file. I've saved one of those and ran it through WinDbg.
Here is the dump file and
Here is the debugged info text.
Since I copy pasted the result, I'm not sure I copy pasted the whole debugged result. But I think everything's there. Just letting you know.
Please help me. I'm running out of ideas with what to do with this.