YAAP: Chicago Jones Arc-Hum-Neu-Mal



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YAAP: Chicago Jones Arc-Hum-Neu-Mal

Finally ascended an Archeologist. After my last good one died on the
plane of fire, I was please to make it all the way through. The only
major conduct I was able to keep was genoless. I technically did
polymorph an item, but that was just out of laziness to re-identify a
wand after a mind flayer incident. The other quasi-conduct that I kept,
and I'm quite proud of, is no-Elbereth. Some time ago I joined the camp
of those who believe that feature is way over-powered and decided to
voluntarily not use it anymore.

The game wasn't terribly eventful, I was able to get 2 or 3 pets early
in the game and was able to pull of the protection racket. My pets then
gave me the nicest surprise of all when they killed the watch captain
leaving behind a shiny siver saber. This is the main weapon I used all
the way till the end. Well that and Vorpal Blade in two-weapon mode.

I got into some major trouble on a few occasions, most notably on
Medusa's level with the Titan. I went down and tried my best to get rid
of the Titan first so that he couldn't summon. The first wave of
summoned creatures included a Master Mind Flayer, so I immediately went
back upstairs. I didn't have any wands of death yet, so I got out a
wand of teleport and went back down. I zapped the flayer away and
continued to beat on the Titan. I got down very, very low on HP and in
a panic remembered that confused reading of teleport scroll was level
port, and fortunately an Umber Hulk had confused me. I was able to
level port and run away from the beasties that came with me until I
could heal up. I was very happy when a little while later Vorpal Blade
was kind enough to behead the Titan.

I think I went the entire game without an amulet of reflection. This
made things quite difficult. It forced me to conquer Ludios with a
shield of reflection and only one weapon wielded. Tough, but do-able. A
grey dragon in Ludios was kind enough to leave behind some scales, so I
made GDSM. I knew I would still need a better form of reflection, but
would have to wait. Did the castle without too much trouble from the
Titan down there. I think my brain got eaten, which unfortunately
happened more times than I would like to admit. I should have just
genocided those darn flayers, but I didn't - lucky it didn't cost me
the game. I think in the castle I burned my Amulet of Life Saving, but
I got another from Vlad which I turned out not to need.

I ate a black dragon corpse along the way making reflection not so much
of an issue because of the GDSM, the only pain was lightning which
vaporized a bunch of wands and rings - slow digestion was the most
painful one to lose as I never found another one.

I never found a lot of good equipment actually. When I got the castle
wand, I had to wish for Levitation boots since I not found a source of
levitation, and speed boots because being slow was just too annoying. I
used the third wish for something, but I have now forgotten - probably
should have gotten the amulet of reflection. After enchanting up all of
my armor and weapons, I scarcely saw any more scrolls of that type, and
another mind flayer incident made me forget which ones they were
anyway, so my magic marker was of little use.

With all of these little near-disasters, the plane of air was the only
place I had any problems, but something I killed left behind a potion
of full healing which made things easier.

Bonus points for anyone who gets the Chicago Jones reference.



Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

theKapn wrote:
> YAAP: Chicago Jones Arc-Hum-Neu-Mal
> Finally ascended an Archeologist.



> I think I went the entire game without an amulet of reflection.

As you make clear later on, you could have made your ascension a bit
easier if you had kept a source of reflection at work wherever possible.
You are braver than I in terms of how you prioritized your weapons and
armor versus keeping reflection up at all times.


> I never found a lot of good equipment actually. When I got the castle
> wand, I had to wish for Levitation boots since I not found a source of
> levitation, and speed boots because being slow was just too annoying. I
> used the third wish for something, but I have now forgotten - probably
> should have gotten the amulet of reflection.

Something does not add up here with your wand of wishing. Properly
managed and with the worst possible luck (starting 0:1) you should still
get a minimum of 5 wishes out of the castle wand if you use it to its
fullest potential. If you're discounting the obligatory wish to get a
means of recharging the wand, we're still at 4, so what gives?

Assessing the situation you had at that point, I would have probably
wished for a blessed =oLevitation rather than the boots - switching
footgear away from speed boots in order to fly is no fun. I would most
likely also have ensured reflection as you say you probably should have
done. Of course it's easy to be a critic when it's not really my
character, and you did pull through, so again, congratulations!



Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

On 5/16/05 10:46 AM, theKapn wrote:

> Bonus points for anyone who gets the Chicago Jones reference.
Other than "Chicago" as a replacement for "Indiana," nope.

One of the "Chicago Seven"? Someone in Al Capone or Mayor Daley's

Kevin Wayne

"Art is a tremendous means by which painfully guarded individuals bare
their souls." --Steve Hindalong


Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

Ken Cuvelier wrote:
> Congrats!

Many thanks.

> As you make clear later on, you could have made your ascension a bit
> easier if you had kept a source of reflection at work wherever
> You are braver than I in terms of how you prioritized your weapons
> armor versus keeping reflection up at all times.

This was more out of fear than anything else. The last promising Arc I
had died on the planes mostly because he wasn't able to kill things
fast enough and things started ganging up. I decided that two-weapon
was going to be a priority, so I didn't want to get in the habit of
switching back and forth to the shield.

> Something does not add up here with your wand of wishing. Properly
> managed and with the worst possible luck (starting 0:1) you should
> get a minimum of 5 wishes out of the castle wand if you use it to its
> fullest potential. If you're discounting the obligatory wish to get a
> means of recharging the wand, we're still at 4, so what gives?

You couldn't be more correct. I had wishes to spare, but for some
reason now that I cannot recall, I didn't feel it necessary to spend a
wish on an amulet of reflection. I think I was sure to find one
somewhere along the way, but I should have just spent the wish,
although by this time - lightning had already hurt me as much as it
ever would in terms of losing wands and rings. By the time I cleared
the castle it didn't hurt me much anymore. This was in retrospect
fairly stupid as I could have easily been killed as a result of this

> Assessing the situation you had at that point, I would have probably
> wished for a blessed =oLevitation rather than the boots - switching
> footgear away from speed boots in order to fly is no fun. I would
> likely also have ensured reflection as you say you probably should
> done. Of course it's easy to be a critic when it's not really my
> character, and you did pull through, so again, congratulations!
> -Ken

Thanks again. I thought about the ring, but without the reflection it
may have gotten smoked by lightning so I opted for the boots. Yeah, not
the best strategy, but once in a while I get lucky I guess.



Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

There was a movie that came out in the '80s called Hollywood Shuffle
with Robert Townsend. In it, they did a spoof of "At the Movies" with
Siskel and Ebert. It was these two guys that snuck into movie theaters
to give reviews. It was called "Sneaking into the Movies". One of the
fake movies that they review in this little skit was "Chicago Jones -
Temple of Doom". One of the others was "Dirty Larry".

Yeah, not very high-brow humor, but I was wondering if anyone else was
a movie geek like me.
