YAFAP Samurai



Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

At last!!! And I've only been playing Nethack on and off for about
10 years or so 🙂

Yes, conflict is _very_ useful on the astral plane, as was a helm of
opposite alignment 🙂

I don't remember any details now, didn't take notes or anything, but I'll
write more when my head has cleared a bit...

No Points Name Hp [max]
1 4557770 Heckler-Sam-Hum-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood. 303[352]

And thank you, the people of RGRN, I've been following some very
interesting discussions from time to time, and they helped a lot in this

Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

Heikki Moilanen wrote:
> At last!!! And I've only been playing Nethack on and off for about
> 10 years or so 🙂


> I don't remember any details now, didn't take notes or anything, but I'll
> write more when my head has cleared a bit...
> No Points Name Hp [max]
> 1 4557770 Heckler-Sam-Hum-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood. 303[352]

I'd definetly want to know the details 🙂

> And thank you, the people of RGRN, I've been following some very
> interesting discussions from time to time, and they helped a lot in this
> ascension!
> -Heikki

Thank you! And congratulations once again 🙂