YAVP - gnomish priest



Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.adom (More info?)

There was no single time my priest had less than 20% HP. Playing priest
is extremally easy. When you have 5 wishes from WoWi + RoDS .-)
Theat's why my Ma is so low.

JaqBand6 St:40 Le:59 Wi:41 Dx:57 To:42 Ch:32 Ap:30 Ma:27 Pe:38 NC
DV/PV: 82/49 H: 785(785) P: 490(554) Exp: 50/29406013 DrCh LE: 1000
Blessed Bloated

> NC because of a unicorn

Background Information

Name: JaqBand6 Race: female Gnome Class: Priest
Eye color: blue Hair color: gray Complexion: tanned
Height: 95 cm Weight: 42 kilos
Age: 167 (grown-up, 60 years of unnatural aging added in)
Star sign: Cup Birthday: 21/Cup (day 261 of the year)

Your parents are travelling adventurers. They are doing moderately
well but are talented enough to survive.
As a child you lived through happy days. Your parents tried to ease
your life as much as possible and gave you a lot of comfort.
In your youth you enjoyed competition against others to the
fullest. You were a very active kid.
Your path was always clearly lying before you. You knew about your
destiny since your earliest years and fortunately your grandfather
supported your wishes. You managed to find a competent trainer and began
your studies.
You decided to become a Priest.

Total weight: 12095 stones Carrying capacity: 38875 stones

He: * crown of science [+4, +8] {Le+9} [65s]
Ne: * amulet of perseverance {Wi+5} [3s]
Bo: * red dragon scale mail (-1, -4) [-1, +13] [220s]
Gi: blessed girdle of carrying [+0, +0] [15s]
Cl: blessed cloak of adornment [+3, +0] {Ap+7} [40s]
RH: blessed rune-covered club "Skullcrusher" (+12, 3d6+2) [-3, +0] {St+4}
LH: * medium obsidian shield "Protector" [+20, +4] {To+2} [46s]
RR: * ring of the master cat [+0, +5] {Dx+16} (+16 spd) [1s]
LR: * ring of mental stability [+0, +1] {Le+3} [1s]
Br: * bracers of protection [+0, +5] [10s]
Ga: * gloves of dexterity [+0, +0] {Dx+5} [6s]
Bo: blessed seven league boots [+1, +0] [30s]
MW: blessed long bow of hunting (+6, +5) [30s]
Mi: bundle of 3 * arrows (+0, 1d6+1) [6s]
Tl: * whip of the snake (-2, 5d2+9) {Dx+9} (+9 spd) [15s]


Total weight: 11487 stones Carrying capacity: 38875 stones

Armor ('[')
* ancient mummy wrapping [+1, +5] {Ap-8} [60s]
Gauntlets ('[')
* elemental gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +3] [10s]
Boots ('[')
* seven league boots [+1, +1] [30s]
* seven league boots [+1, +0] [30s]
One-handed weapons ('(')
* stone spear (+0, 1d8+3) [120s]
blessed adamantium spear of penetration (+1, 1d8+6) [36s]

> found under SMC. nice, but untill late game I've been using stone spear

* whip of the snake (+0, 5d2+7) {Dx+7} (+7 spd) [15s]
* dwarven pick axe "Hammerhead" (+2, 2d10+4) [+2, +2] {To+3} [90s]
* whip of the snake (-2, 5d2+4) {Dx+7} (+7 spd) [15s]
* adamantium mace of penetration (+1, 1d6+6) [72s]
Two-handed weapons ('(')
* staff of the archmagi (+5, 5d2+2) [+9, +0] {Ma+10} [40s]
* quicksilver quarterstaff (+6, 5d3+3) [+3, +0] (+20 spd) [20s]
* staff of power (+0, 1d10+2) [+1, +1] {Wi+4} [40s]

> what's the difference?

Rings ('=')
heap of 2 blessed rings of ice [2s]
* ring of elemental mastery [+2, +0] [1s]

> guidebook doesn't mention all of ring's immunities

Scrolls ('?')
heap of 6 blessed scrolls of chaos resistance [12s]

Weapon Skills

Melee weapon Lvl Hit Dam DV Level Required marks
--------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- --------------
Clubs & hammers 4 +3 +1 +1 skilled 155
Maces & flails 3 +2 +1 +0 basic 27
Pole arms 12 +14 +8 +16 Mastery 4122

Missile weapon Lvl Hit Dam Ra Level Required marks
--------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- --------------
Bows 8 +16 +12 +2 excellent 347
Crossbows 8 +16 +12 +2 excellent 257
Boomerangs & scurgari 2 +4 +3 +0 basic 30

Shields Lvl DV Level Required marks
--------------------- --- --- ------------- --------------
Shields 9 +18 excellent 705

Damage caused with your melee weapons:
Right hand: +80 bonus to hit, 3d6+19 damage

Damage caused with your missile weapons:
Ammunition: 3, base range: 15, +74 bonus to hit, 1d6+48 damage


Alchemy ................... 14 (mediocre) [+4d5]
Alertness ................. 44 (fair) [+1d5]
Appraising ................100 (superb) [+1]
Archery ...................100 (superb) [+1]
Athletics ................. 44 (fair) [+2d4]
Backstabbing ..............100 (superb) [+1d5]
Climbing ..................100 (superb) [+1d5]
Concentration .............100 (superb) [+2d4]
Cooking ................... 90 (great) [+1] (ma)
Courage ...................100 (superb) [+1d5]

> I didn't make 20 bandits' quest

Detect item status ........100 (superb) [+2d4]
Detect traps ..............100 (superb) [+1d5]
Disarm traps .............. 46 (fair) [+2d4]
Dodge ..................... 57 (good) [+1d3]
Find weakness ............. 80 (great) [+1]
First aid .................100 (superb) [+2d4]
Gardening ................. 94 (superb) [+1]
Gemology ..................100 (superb) [+1]
Haggling ..................100 (superb) [+2d4]
Healing ...................100 (superb) [+2d4]
Herbalism .................100 (superb) [+2d4]
Law .......................100 (superb) [+1]
Listening .................100 (superb) [+1d3]
Literacy ..................100 (superb) [+2d4]
Mining ....................100 (superb) [+1]
Music .....................100 (superb) [+1d5]
Pick locks ................ 61 (good) [+1d3]
Pick pockets ..............100 (superb) [+1d5]
Smithing .................. 84 (great) [+1d3]
Stealth ...................100 (superb) [+3d4]
Swimming ..................100 (superb) [+1d3]
Tactics ...................100 (superb) [+1]
Two weapon combat .........100 (superb) [+1]
Ventriloquism .............100 (superb) [+1d3]
Woodcraft ................. 18 (mediocre) [+3d4]

> every time I wanted to see the second screen with skills during
> advancing, after drinking some !oE, ADoM crashed.


Acid Bolt : 1277, 7pp (Effectivity: +22)
Baptism of Fire : 233, 4pp (Effectivity: +46)
Cure Light Wounds : 2188, 2pp (Effectivity: +7)
Cure Serious Wounds : 2043, 5pp (Effectivity: +8)
Dispel Undead : 2097, 4pp (Effectivity: +22)
Divine Digger : 509, 50pp (Effectivity: +5)
Divine Intervention : 297, 3000pp (Effectivity: +0)

> learnt in water temple. I've been considering archmage, but well...

Divine Wrath : 2218, 6pp (Effectivity: +19)
Enlightenment : 561, 38pp (Effectivity: +4)
Ethereal Bridge : 646, 11pp (Effectivity: +15)
Farsight : 2220, 8pp (Effectivity: +11)
Greater Divine Touch : 290, 50pp (Effectivity: +3)

> not worth (but I've got scarred by Ki-rin - maybe 5th ever - and
> killed it with GDT)

Heal : 698, 20pp (Effectivity: +10)

> if I ever play wizard in a future, I will miss it

Hellish Flames : 2167, 5pp (Effectivity: +11)
Knowledge of the Ancients: 825, 20pp (Effectivity: +6)
Light : 3220, 1pp (Effectivity: +18)
Lordly Might : 1532, 5pp (Effectivity: +9)
Minor Punishment : 226, 4pp (Effectivity: +16)
Nether Bolt : 1027, 6pp (Effectivity: +28)
Petrification : 261, 60pp (Effectivity: +1)

> as above

Rain of Sorrow : 1314, 17pp (Effectivity: +9)

> extremally usefull, especially in earth temple (together with
> adamantium penetrating spear)

Remove Curse : 1708, 25pp (Effectivity: +13)

> very nice spell; food preservation is unnecessary

Revelation : 1543, 16pp (Effectivity: +5)
Slow Monster : 1445, 3pp (Effectivity: +6)
Slow Poison : 415, 3pp (Effectivity: +5)
Veil of the Gods : 313, 5pp (Effectivity: +6)
Web : 1839, 6pp (Effectivity: +1)

> also usefull, but it seems that I didn't use it

Her further life:

After she leaves the Drakalor Chain she is welcomed by her people with great
honors. They acknowledge her noble deeds, her valor, her cunning and her
great skills that helped to prevent the complete destruction of the world
she knows. She returns to her lands victorious and is hailed as a great
leader. Eventually she becomes queen and rule your subjects with an iron
fist for a long and peaceful time, allowing her people to prosper and grow.

Her achievements during her adventures:

JaqBand6, the gnomish priest, saved the world with her brave efforts and
became a great ruler while saving herself 43 times.
She scored 25428716 points and advanced to level 50.
She survived for 0 years, 81 days, 16 hours, 51 minutes and 18 seconds
(131265 turns).
7 companions were killed during her adventures.
JaqBand6 visited 120 places.
Her strength score was modified by +21 during her career.
Her learning score was modified by +28 during her career.
Her willpower score was modified by +21 during her career.
Her dexterity score was modified by +21 during her career.
Her toughness score was modified by +25 during her career.
Her charisma score was modified by +21 during her career.
Her appearance score was modified by +14 during her career.
Her mana score was modified by +7 during her career.

> MWS for education. Cost of 3 Ma at exp.lev. 30sth, 1 Ma at 45.

Her perception score was modified by +26 during her career.
She was unnaturally aged by 60 years.
She was the champion of the arena.
She was the head of the thieves guild.
She made a little water dragon very happy.
She adhered to the principles of the Cat Lord and thus rose to great fame.
She saved Khelavaster from certain death.
She left the Drakalor Chain after completing her quest and became a great
leader and famous heroine.
5197 monsters perished under her attacks.
The following 26 artifacts were generated during her adventure:
the ring of the master cat
the Crown of Chaos

> tough time even with =oLe and Wi 38

the black torc
the rune-covered club "Skullcrusher"

> God, I don't need it .-/

the staff of the archmagi

> what's the difference between quicksilver and this one?

the medium obsidian shield "Protector"

> this one is nice. too bad I'd obtained it after closing

the dwarven pick axe "Hammerhead"
the black tome of Alsophocus
the emerald dagger "Serpent's Bite"
the weird tome
She possessed the following intrinsics:
She was fire resistant.
She was poison resistant.
She was cold resistant.
She was acid resistant.
She was lucky.
Fate smiled upon her (enhanced through an item).
She was doomed (gained through an item).
She was cursed (gained through an item).
She was sleep resistant (gained through an item).
She was able to teleport.
She was able to control teleportation.
She was stun resistant (gained through items).
She was able to see invisible things (gained through an item).
She was immune to fire attacks (gained through items).
She was immune to ice attacks.
She was able to resist confusion attacks (gained through items).
She had the following talents: Alert, Careful, Good Book Caster, Good Shot,
Great Book Caster, Keen Shot, Long Stride, Mighty Aura, Miser, Pious, Potent
Aura, Quick, Quick Shot, Shield Expert, Shield Master, Shield Specialist,
Strong Aura, Treasure Hunter, Very Quick.

> I was prepared to become an archmage. boring.

She had a final speed score of 122 (final base speed: 116).

> be quick = be dead

She was a paragon of her religion.
She did not ask for divine help.

> whoa!

She was a holy champion of Balance.
She was slightly tainted by Chaos.



Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.adom (More info?)

Nicely done. Esp the first line. Not less tahn 20%? Shoot, I don't know
how often I go down to critical to barely survive.


Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.adom (More info?)

On 2005-03-09, whatamk@hotmail.com <whatamk@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Nicely done. Esp the first line. Not less tahn 20%? Shoot, I don't know
> how often I go down to critical to barely survive.



Well, there were problems, for example in mana temple I went to the
other branch of the corridor when fighting Nuurag, thus I couldn't shot
him with humanoind slaying ammo, and chaos servants started to hit hard,
but after several dozens of them (160+105 in whole game), most of the
eyes and wizards, finally I could cope with him with acid. Blessing
amulet of death ray res. also helps. But yes, I do not remember single
time in this game when my beeper beeped.
Oh, and forget about two shilds strategy, it's bullshit. Spear is
