Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.angband (More info?)
Please excuse me while I rant for a while
After playing around with other variants for a while, I returned to my
old favorite (ZAngband) and found the beginning levels to be incredibly
obnoxious compared to the other variants. In particular:
1) Level 1 (50') seems to be populated by 90% Blubbering Icky Things,
which are poisonous and move quickly. Makes it rather tricky for new
characters with low constitution. You're virtually gauranteed to run
into a Blubbering Icky Thing on your first trip down, since they're in,
like, *every room*. And when you do run into them, it can be quite
difficult to avoid being touched by them since they move so quickly.
Characters without a long range attack will probably be poisoned, and
will then probably die.
2) I would expect mages to be bad at combat. That's not a problem.
But I swear, in Z they're SO bad at combat, that even with
invulnerability you'd be unable to kill most of the enemies at 50'.
You miss so often that the monsters regain all their HP before you can
finish them off!
Okay, I'm done for now
Please excuse me while I rant for a while

After playing around with other variants for a while, I returned to my
old favorite (ZAngband) and found the beginning levels to be incredibly
obnoxious compared to the other variants. In particular:
1) Level 1 (50') seems to be populated by 90% Blubbering Icky Things,
which are poisonous and move quickly. Makes it rather tricky for new
characters with low constitution. You're virtually gauranteed to run
into a Blubbering Icky Thing on your first trip down, since they're in,
like, *every room*. And when you do run into them, it can be quite
difficult to avoid being touched by them since they move so quickly.
Characters without a long range attack will probably be poisoned, and
will then probably die.
2) I would expect mages to be bad at combat. That's not a problem.
But I swear, in Z they're SO bad at combat, that even with
invulnerability you'd be unable to kill most of the enemies at 50'.
You miss so often that the monsters regain all their HP before you can
finish them off!
Okay, I'm done for now