Question Zotac 3080 Trinity OC Thermal Replacement Advice?


Jan 31, 2019
my gpu (zotac 3080 10gb trinity oc) was getting extremely loud with hot spot temps often at 105c. i opened it up and found out why:

after plucking off the old pads with tweezers and cleaning off the residue from those and the paste with isopropyl alchohol and noctua na-scw1 wipes, i've arrived here:


as you can see, there's still some residue in places i just can't get off. should i worry about that? are my 85x45x2mm thermalright thermal pads and nt-h2 thermal paste good for the job here? should i go about applying them a certain way? anything else i should know? i'd greatly appreciate any and all advice since there's several hundred dollars riding on this
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What did you use to remove the thermal paste/thermal pad's oil to leave that kind of residue behind? Using isopropyl alcohol and some cotton swabs or a coffee filter helps take them off without much fuss.

are my 85x45x2mm thermalright thermal pads and nt-h2 thermal paste good for the job here?
Did you throw away the pads that came shipped with the card? If not, use them to act as a reference to the thickness for the pads you'd need to replace them with. Adding too thin a pad will result in improper heat transmission to the heatsink or none thereof, conversely if you have a thicker thermal pad you can and will cause the cooler's contact plate to not sit flush with the GPU chip.
i honestly don't remember exactly what i used now, but i ended up removing the remaining residue with a blunt plastic stick thing (don't ask me exactly what it was) i found lying around. temps max out at 80c with modest fan volume now in witcher 3 next gen at max settings. i'd call that a success