Recent content by Deeds4life

  1. Deeds4life

    is it dangerous to put my PC together?

    Watch a couple youtube videos until you feel like you are comfortable enough to do it.
  2. Deeds4life

    Is this build OK?

    Should serve you pretty well for games listed. Could always use more memory. But if you find yourself needing more, just buy another set of memory.
  3. Deeds4life

    Anyone heard of these guys

    Cant say I have heard of them. Read a couple articles and build one yourself. You will get more satisfaction out of it and just might be able to get slightly better parts for the same price from them. Assembling the parts really isn't as difficult as it looks. Plenty of guides and forums here to...
  4. Deeds4life

    Windows 7 won't install on ssd

    Specs on the PC?
  5. Deeds4life

    Sound card static overtime, until audiosrv restart

    How old is this usb-sound card? I had a old soundblaster live card that did the same thing. The only way I resolved the issue was to buy a new sound card.
  6. Deeds4life

    Can't install Win7 on raid 0

    You have to find the correct driver that will work with your board. It may not even be the latest revision that you can use. That controller is a real pain from what I have read. The driver may not be signed which you will lookup on how to get those installed.
  7. Deeds4life

    Windows 7 pc caught in a restart loop

    What software did you use to clone your drive? Is the new drive going into the same computer. More specifically, the same motherboard? How did you fix the MBR? Need more detail on your process in order to see what could have gone wrong.
  8. Deeds4life

    cpu running at 100%

    Check the task manager and see what process is using the most and report back.
  9. Deeds4life

    PC Shut Off Won't Turn Back On, Already Replaced Power Supply

    More than likely bad vregs on the motherboard. Whats the specs on it?
  10. Deeds4life

    WIFI suddenly slows down for no reason

    Go to run and type in msconfig. Click on the startup tab and see what is starting up with your computer that may be causing the issue. You can from here disable certain programs from starting up with your computer. Once done reboot. You can also check the even viewer (go to run and type in...
  11. Deeds4life

    how much VRAM

  12. Deeds4life

    Gaming pc build

  13. Deeds4life

    Gaming pc build

    As AMD prices look good Intel is the way to go. You will get a better bang for your buck. Nothing AMD has will match the last two gens of Intel processors. As for the hard drive, those WD Blue drives are horrible. We use them here at work and nothing but failure after failure. Go with the WD...