Will Cat6 work at 700 feet?

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Nope cat6 cable is limited to 100 meters just like cat5e for 1g or less speed.

Your only way to do this is to not run ethernet. They make ethernet extenders that run a private form of DSL over the connections. The speed they run is dependent on lots of things but they are generally well under 100m speed.

Generally it is cheaper to run fiber and you get 1g speeds.
Or just a standard network switch will allow you to go farther. Put the network switch around 300ft. Have the line coming from A (lets call that source) go to port 1 and in port 2 have the cable going to B (Destination) and as many times as you need to. Could also just do fiber then get fiber -> copper converters.

Right, but then you need power and a sealed box out at that point.

Which is why:
"What are you trying to do? "

For all i know this is in a building. 😀

I'm trying to run ethernet to my detached garage. 700 feet is the comfortable run, and I have gel-filled cat6 cable with connectors attached. If that doesn't work, I need to either boost the signal, or cut the ethernet cable and run an ugly 300 feet as a temporary solution. But I would also have to add a connector, and don't think I would know how to splice, etc. Thinking I should have bought fiber with connectors and some sort of connection to the ethernet.
Any chance your detached garage (700ft minus indoor runs...that is VERY detached!) is on the same power circuit as your home i.e. secondary distribution panel to the garage? If so, a higher end powerline adapter might do the trick, would definitely require some experimentation.

Probably not much hope that it would be over 120v lines though I guess for that distance and usage.
There is no such thing as a ethernet booster unless you consider putting switches mid span repeating the signal a "booster". The problem at 700ft you are going to need 2 switches to go that distance. When you talk outdoors and you also need to get power to those switches it tends to be a non option very quickly.

You likely could get a fiber solution for $500.

No, afraid not. More of a barn with a living space, but harder to describe than "detached garage".

Thanks, but already have spent $200 on the ethernet cable. Wasn't smart enought to ask these questions firsrt. I may be able to cut it to 300 feet for a temporary straight run until I can afford a run of fiber, but I still won't be able to easily put the ehernet connector on.
It still may be cheaper to just start over.

The only way you are going to be able use your cable is to not run ethernet over it. You would run VDSL over it. You might get 70mbits if you are lucky the units that run fastest tend to be kinda expensive. You will likely pay $200 per end.

You will pay more than that to put in waterproof boxes mid span and get power to them if you go with swiches
If you have a clear line-of-sight between the buildings, then I would use a point-to-point wireless bridge rather than try to run cable. There are lots of good units available that will give you high speed and reliability, and the price will be comparable to what you spent for your cable.

Tried that with Amped Wireless Pro 600. didn't stay stable. Do you know one that is better if I give up on cable?
Not sure why that would not have worked....then again you don't want to be running it in repeater mode you need a wireless bridge on both ends.

Ubiqutui and engenus make a number of units that do this. 700ft is nothing for these and you will spend barely over $150. You of course will only get about 100m actual usable though put ....unless you buy some of their fancy models that claim gig speeds but I have my doubts.

Believe it or not, I hooked cable to Modem to test, connected straight to Computer, and it worked! Ran the cable 700 feet, hooked it to another wireless modem, and it worked great! Very fast. I'm not a gamer, but as fast as at the house for just normal internet use. Pages opening within a second or so, which is all I needed. Hoping there's not a problem I haven't thought of, and would love any input, but this seems to have solved the problem. (Gel filled, underground rated, cat5e)

Believe it or not, I hooked cable to Modem to test, connected straight to Computer, and it worked! Ran the cable 700 feet, hooked it to another wireless modem, and it worked great! Very fast. I'm not a gamer, but as fast as at the house for just normal internet use. Pages opening within a second or so, which is all I needed. Hoping there's not a problem I haven't thought of, and would love any input, but this seems to have solved the problem. (Gel filled, underground rated, cat5e)
That is what I want to do and mostly everyone says it will not work....some say coax??? Can I run poe to a weatherproof box midway and still have good internet without fiber.....same power source as house and both can go in same trench
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