Recent content by Havo_k

  1. Havo_k

    1440p 60Hz IPS vs 1080p 144Hz TN

    I compared them while I was buying it at a local NCIX store. They were on display at the store and visually they both looked good in their own way. Because to me the picture quality didn't look that different , I chose the TN panel for its benefits - response time and sale price.
  2. Havo_k

    1440p 60Hz IPS vs 1080p 144Hz TN

    I use a TN panel and honestly it looks really good. I would pick faster response time and viewing angles shouldn't be a problem if you plan to sit on a chair in front of the monitor.
  3. Havo_k

    PC parts or Xbox One Or Playstation 4

    If your budget is less than $500, just get the console. The games will be fully optimized for them unlike pc where low end pc can't play some games well. With OS, keyboard and mouse - the total goes in $500 easily.
  4. Havo_k

    2x GTX 980TI or GTX 1080?

    Are you running into any trouble running any game at the setting you want as it is?
  5. Havo_k

    Is this PSU good for a GTX 970 and an AMD fx 8320 ?

    Get a powersupply from XFX or Seasonic that are at least 80+ bronze certified.
  6. Havo_k

    How about this build?

  7. Havo_k

    Sell Gtx 970 for new gtx 1070?

    I think going for a GTX 1070 is a good idea if you are playing games that easily use up your Vram like GTA 5, the witcher 3 and the division. Since you can still sell your gtx 970 for a good price, you can invest that money towards GTX 1070. But if you mostly play games that aren't demanding...
  8. Havo_k

    How to clean registry without harming computer?

    CCleaner is a good program.
  9. Havo_k

    Should I upgrade from 980Ti to 1080 or wait for 1080Ti

    I wouldn't. Keep it until 1080 ti is out.
  10. Havo_k

    Best under $100 monitor?
  11. Havo_k

    Will my setup be ok to run games???

    Games like cs go and league of legends should be fine. You will run into issues playing games like the division and witcher 3.
  12. Havo_k

    GTX 1070 or GTX 1080

  13. Havo_k

    Can I run Rust on my aging PC?

    Yep gtx 670 will get the job done nicely. High setting 40+ fps