Recent content by intimthebrave

  1. intimthebrave

    Will my OC amd Athlon x4 750k bottleneck my new rx 480 gpu

    thats really only a dual core cpu bud
  2. intimthebrave

    Will my OC amd Athlon x4 750k bottleneck my new rx 480 gpu

    Better CPU such as anything 3rd gen intel or up, will yield much higher FPS depending on the game, as much as 30-40fps more honestly, i know it sucks, but even at 4.8ghz that athlon just doesnt cut the mustard. Compare your FPS on certain games with the benchmarks of the rx 480 when paired with...
  3. intimthebrave

    Comparing this desktop to my laptop

    desktop 750 vs mobile 770,the 770 would be around 30% higher FPS, as long as the laptop did not have throttling problems due to heat, that said, you could always get a better video card for the desktop, for 340 id go for it, that cpu is worth 200 bucks by itself.
  4. intimthebrave

    I have an HP Pavillion dm1 notebook computer. Originally Windows7 Home Premium was installed.

    You might be able to do a system restore, and or reset pc, with a destructive recovery, not sure if you will be able to revert back to windows 7 but you should be able to as long as you didnt go in and delete the windows.old folder
  5. intimthebrave

    Windows 7 Home Premium (Fresh Install) Not Detecting My GPU [AMD Radeon R9 290]

    You just need to download the drivers, go to google, and type in download drivers r9 290 windows 7, once you download and install the drivers, it will ask you to restart your computer, once you are done and the computer restarts, you should be golden!
  6. intimthebrave

    Random Blue screens of death and need overclocking help!

    Oc it to 4.3ghz with stock voltages, turn amd turbo core technology off, maybe try 4.4ghz, check to see if its stable at 4.2, run stress tests, reboot, overclock it to 4.3 ghz stress test etc, by raising the multiplier to 18 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 etc, dont change the FSB at all unless u have a...
  7. intimthebrave

    Performance question on SCREENS!!

    what he said
  8. intimthebrave

    FX 6350 + ?R7 360? in a 430w psu

    r7 360 is less then 100 watts under load, more like 70watts fx cpu is 125 watts max, 12 watts for periphials, so thats around 200 watts max load, the 430 watt psu would do crossfire r7 360 2 way crossfire honestly
  9. intimthebrave

    One 1080p monitor (21.5"), or two 900p monitors (1440x900, 19")?

    Personal preference really, but id go with the 1920x1080 for gaming, and its 22 inches so thats a plus, now if you have three 19 inch screens and you could set them up in eyefinity that would be a different story, but you cannot game on both 19 inch screens at same time, why not hook up all 3...
  10. intimthebrave

    RX480 HP Prebuilt upgrade questions
  11. intimthebrave

    RX480 HP Prebuilt upgrade questions

    you will need a 6 pin pci e x1
  12. intimthebrave

    RX480 HP Prebuilt upgrade questions

    you will have plenty room for the rx 480
  13. intimthebrave

    Upgrading gtx 770 to rx480?

    it does pretty good, i bought it on ebay used for 150$ including shipping, supposedly the original owner never used it for gaming, but only for media streaming, and i have it oc to 1280 core and it runs only around 62c @ 75% fanspeed and 99%-100% Gpu (witcher III on high) getting around 45fps
  14. intimthebrave

    Upgrading gtx 770 to rx480?

    i have an msi gaming g series oc edition gtx 770 2gb
  15. intimthebrave

    I am wondering what I can do to upgrade my Gateway FX6850-51. New processor? New graphics card? It is i7 2400/8ddr3/G-Force GT

    I would definitely NOT Replace the processor, that 2nd gen i7 beats an FX-8 core for gaming, with higher single core performance(important for gaming) and it is a quad core with hyperthreading! Just get a GTX 950/960(960 depending on psu, look at the requirements) and run with it, or upgrade...