Recent content by modernwar99

  1. modernwar99

    Question about W10's refresh but keep user data

    Been having many problems with my win10 installation (upgraded from 8.1). I want to use win10's new refresh feature (complete restore without the disk since my win10 is an OTA upgrade) except preserving personal documents. Now, I have too many files to put them on a small 160GB backup drive. My...
  2. modernwar99

    Any disadvantage to using an internal HDD as a backup drive?

    Need a new backup/transfer drive since my current one is too small for all my data. By "transfer" drive I mean transferring large files (like a flash drive but more capacity) between my two computers. Going to buy a 1TB drive to store my stuff on. I checked amazon and most decent 1TB external...
  3. modernwar99

    Samsung 950 Pro M.2 slow read/write speeds

    Shouldn't it still be faster? My old 850 EVO had 500 read and 300 write and that used SATA 3. While my M.2 PCIe x2 port is still 8gbps (which is still a nice 1GB/s). Oh well... not like buying a new Z170 board and i5 6600k is expensive or anything...
  4. modernwar99

    Samsung 950 Pro M.2 slow read/write speeds

    Mobo: ASRock Z97 Killer latest BIOS Just got a new Samsung 950 Pro SSD and I just finished cloning my old SSD to it. I noticed how long it took to boot the first time, figured it was normal for a first boot on a new drive or something. After booting, I ran a crystal disk benchmark on it to see...
  5. modernwar99

    HDD: speed vs reliability?

    Current Seagate Barracuda is failing after almost 7 years so I'm looking to buy a new drive. The go-to drives it seems are the 1TB Seagate Barrcuda and 1TB WD Blue. The Barracuda is somewhat faster in benchmarks but also has a pretty high annual failure rate. The WD Blue has lower benchmark...
  6. modernwar99

    Downloads folder takes forever to load Windows 10

    Whenever I went into the downloads folder in windows 10 explorer, it took like 1-2 minutes to load it (like the green bar in the address bar). I figured the problem was I had ~100GB of files in there so I cleared them all and the problem is still there. Takes 1-2 minutes to load an empty...
  7. modernwar99

    AMD Graphics on an 1150 Board

    This is the cheapest one available in the US right now:,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID= The black edition just means it has unlocked voltage pretty...
  8. modernwar99

    AMD Graphics on an 1150 Board

    Yes AMD GPUs are compatible on Intel mobos. If the 750 ti worked fine then there should be no reason a R9 290 won't work. Also coming from a 750 ti you are likely going to need a new PSU too (550w minimum).
  9. modernwar99

    i5-4590 vs. i5-6400 (Gaming)

    ^ Pretty much answers it. The 4590 is a bit faster than the 6400, is that difference noticeable in games though... probably not. Doesn't sound like you're going to upgrading the CPU for a while since your next upgrade choice on the PC will probably be a better GPU, so don't let the "get skylake...
  10. modernwar99

    which pci slot?

    They're all PCIe 3.0 x16 slots so any of them will work.
  11. modernwar99

    how to open cpu cover

    You shouldn't need to unscrew anything besides maybe the heatsink, in which case a regular phillips screwdriver will work. The CPU cover has an arm that lifts up to open it: Also you should use 90%+ rubbing alcohol to clean the thermal paste off both the heatsink and CPU. A tube of Arctic MX-4...
  12. modernwar99

    BF4 low fps

    What is your CPU and GPU usage while playing?
  13. modernwar99

    Is it normal for me to be getting so much lag on a Maxed out GTAV? I mean, everything MAXED.

    Having grass on ultra HAMMERS your FPS. Like going from grass off to ultra cuts like 30fps off. Having it on high you generally can't tell the difference visually. 8x MSAA and reflections on ultra also hurt the FPS more than they help visuals. Here's a guide from nvidia about GTA 5 settings...
  14. modernwar99

    Can i make my pc a mac?

    I can tell you that you need a 64bit Intel i3/5/7 CPU for OS X to work. AMD CPUs aren't compatible at all. Also if you are going to be dual booting windows and OS X, load each on separate HDDs. Doing it improperly on the same drive will corrupt the MBR and window's bootloader.