Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with 2060.
  1. T

    [SOLVED] 2060 Super Running Hot

    I just upgraded my i7-7700 to a i7-10700 (and installed a new mobo, obviously) and now my 2060 Super is running hot while playing games (~80°C). I would imagine that this shouldn't be an issue, but I am concerned as to why this is happening. Here is a log of my GPU temperatures before, during...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] Activate G-Sync on Asus G14

    Hello! I am trying to actvate G-Sync on my new Asus G14 with RTX 2060. However, the option is not showing in Nvidia control panel. From what I understand the display support Freesync and also have G-Sync Compatible available. But the option to set up G-Sync is not there. Has anyone got this to...
  3. N

    [SOLVED] 5600XT vs 2060

    Hi was wanting some comparison of these two cards as I am putting together a build. I don't really care about raytracing as the only game I would play with it would be minecraft. I found a 5600XT for 519 aud but the nearest 2060 is 600 aud. WOuld like a recommendation on raw performance. I will...
  4. eleet2112

    [SOLVED] GPU died,need a replacement

    Hello everyone, my GPU died today, and I'am looking for a replacement. My PC specs: MB: Gigabyte Z170-D3H CPU: i5 6600k + CM Hyper 212X cooler RAM: DDR4 16GB 3000MHz G.skill ripjaw * important - PSU: Corsair TX650w : Would you recommend also replacing this, as it is already 8 years old? What...
  5. GoldKingCobra

    [SOLVED] 2060 (G-Sync Compatible) vs 5600XT (Freesync) with Freesync 144hz Monitor

    I'm currently planning a new b450 build for high/ultra 1080p gaming. I'm between the RTX 2060 and the RX 5600XT. I definitely lean more towards Nvidia as my pfp may hint and I like the evga ko aftermarket design. I would normally just go for the 2060 but at this budget I'm going to be buying...
  6. M

    [SOLVED] 2060 - bad performance in performance test, good performance in game

    CPU - Ryzen 5 3600 Mobo - prime b450m micro atx RAM - Crucial Ballistix 3200MHz DDR4 (XMP enabled) PSU - Corsair CV450 Bronze (450W) GPU - RTX 2060 One of the first things I did upon building the PC and installing windows was run UserBenchmark to get a quick, general idea of the health of the...
  7. L

    [SOLVED] two graphics cards and three monitors, still bad fps

    Hello everyone, I recently bought a third monitor to be my primary monitor for gaming at 144hz. To try to achieve 144 fps on the primary monitor, I bought a second GPU (GeForce 2060) to run just the 144hz monitor off of. The other two monitors are 60hz and running off of the old GeForce 1060...
  8. O

    [SOLVED] RTX 2060 Underperforming ?

    I recently decided it was time to upgrade my pc due to money issue i decided to go for a new GPU (the problem child) new CPU cooler and of course a power supply. The problem started when i didn't see any sort of increase in frames at all in fact it appeared more laggy. Asking questions and doing...
  9. iQizXuco

    [SOLVED] What gpu i should buy?

    I have CPU = i7-6700 3.40 GHz (sin K) MBD = GA-Z170X-Gaming 5-EU GPU = Asus GTX 960 4GB OC SSD = 111GB ADATA SP550 HDD = 931GB SEAGATE ST1000DM003-1SB10C RAM = 16GB HYPEREX DDR4 POTENCIA = Tacens Mars Gaming Zeus 750W 80 Plus Silver Modular
  10. Sluggers

    [SOLVED] 2060 super under Performing? (solved)

    i just got a 2060 super, my friend has a 2060. other than that we have the same specs, yet he gets 20 more frames than me on average in each game. our cpu overclocks are the same, are ram speeds are the same, but he gets 20 more frames, i am looking to find an answer on why my card is either...
  11. I

    Question RTX 2060 MSI Ventus OC is too loud

    I don't know if it's just the card or any underlying issues with my build, but my previous GTX 970 had none of the same issues while it would easily get over 80C during games. On Idle my GPU stays just below 30C but my fan speed is always at least 30%. If I boot up a game, within 5 minutes my PC...
  12. D

    [SOLVED] Does the RTX 2060 need a PCIX16 line?

    Hi, I have a ASUS X570-e MOBO, with two gen 3 nvme drive, and a Gigabyte 2060 Gaming OC PRO card. I'm using it in the second PCI slot, because that how it looks cool tbh cause of my giant DRP4. I was wondering if it matters if it's running x8 mode instead of x16? My MOBO warns me about it, but I...
  13. X

    [SOLVED] 2060 super has less v ram than it should?

    i just upgraded from my 1060 6gb and got a nvidia 2060 super 8gb however when i look at the v ram in game it says 7.85 i dont know if thats normal or not. ps im just underwhelmed with the upgrade in general, was thinking maybe just a bad card? games run fine just not as good as expected
  14. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] 2060 Super Or RX 5700 XT (ASUS)

    Greetings. I am having a little problem deciding what GPU I should get next. ASUS preferably. I'm interested in the 2060 Super. But at the same time I'm a little interested in the RX 5700XT. I need a GPU that will keep up for a few years. Something that goes along well with my 2700x. My...
  15. cutrate

    Question 2060 Super Spiking

    Hello all, I just built my new PC last night. AMD 3600, EVGA 2060 Super SC black, corsair 3200 mhz, evga 650w g5 psu, asrock b450m pro4 board. I am noticing on idle, sometimes, and randomly in game or browsing websites on chrome I am getting weird GPU clock spikes. I am pretty new to all of...
  16. B

    [SOLVED] What should I do next with my PC?

    So this is the current build Im working with rn: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Boonut/saved/#view=zkB8YJ The two things I want to do are get a 1440p 144hz freesync IPS monitor, and get a new graphics card to go with it. With a budget of $1000, I was probably gonna get a 2080 super for around...
  17. L

    [SOLVED] RTX 2060 Super - MSI vs Evga vs Gigabyte

    Hi. Wich is the best assembler for the RTX 2060 Super? I have only 3 options, all have the same price: MSI RTX 2060 Super Gaming X Evga RTX 2060 Super XC Ultra Gigabyte RTX 2060 Super Gaming OC Only for the temperatures, I think that the MSI GPU is the best option: MSI RTX 2060 Super Gaming...
  18. D

    [SOLVED] cant decide what gpu to buy

    Hello i was wondering what gpu to buy im gonna upgrade my cpu motherboard ram and gpu... i have already decided the cpu mobo and ram. Im considering in buying an 5700xt but have they fixed the drivers issues yet? The components i will buy for my pc are: Cpu: ryzen 5 3600 ( i will keep the stock...
  19. The Lazy Gamer

    [SOLVED] What will be the best PSU for my new build?

    Hi TH fam, I am planning to build my 1st new system with the following specs: Ryzen 5 3600 RTX 2060 Super Motherboard yet to decide (but will go for b450 as x570 is too expensive) Cooler Master MB520 cabinet 8gb x 2 ddr4 3000 Toshiba 1TB HDD No SSD as of now. Will add 1 after some time (budget...
  20. L

    [SOLVED] Msi rtx 2070 super ventus oc it is hot?

    Hi. I was looking for a gpu gtx 2060 super and I found an msi rtx 2060 super gaming x and for about 15 usd more, I got an msi rtx 2070 super ventus oc. The only thing that stopped me from buying the 2070 super right now, is that I didn't find many reviews on the internet about this model and...
  21. T

    Question Gigabyte RTX 2060 SUPER Artifacts

    Hi, I recently got a new GPU. I use the HDMI output with my 4K/60Hz TV and, for a couple of weeks, it worked fine, but now I've been getting "artifacts" (it doesn't look like space invaders, rather several blinking colorful pixels). Thing is, it feels like a software issue. It only starts when...
  22. B

    [SOLVED] Need a suggestion for a 2060 super for my rig

    Hello everyone , i'm planing on buying a RTX 2060 super to upgrade my rig but i have 3 main concerns and i would really appreciate it if anyone can help me. 1-I don't know if the gpu i choose will fit in my case in a way that wont be an obstacle to other components. 2-I'm not sure on which gpu...
  23. R

    Discussion RTX 2060 Stutter

    Computer Type: Desktop OS: Windows 10 Pro CPU: Ryzen 5 2600 GPU: MSI RTX 2060 Gaming Z RAM: 16 Gb of Ram 2666 Mhz SPectrix D40 Mobo: Gigabyte Aorus B450m Games SSD: Crucial MX 500 1TB Os SSD: 120GB Adata Ultimate PSU: Corsair TX750 Gold Tested Driver: 431.60 , 441.20, 441.66...
  24. Haggy321

    Question Upgraded from a 1060 to 2060 no display and no USB.

    So I installed a 2060 that I had as an early xmas present, I turned off the power unplugged it then held the power button for 5 seconds, plugged it in with the 8 pin power connector and it all powers on and the fans spin at 100% but there is no display on either of my monitors, one is display...
  25. T

    Question Oculus Rift S, jittering/graphic issues. How to fix?

    Hi guys and girls. The oculus rift S is know to be a little jittering due to some anti aliassing or texture problems. In het game Arizona Sunsine it is really bad and al the shadows and edges are 'walking/jittering/flashing'. But i have that problem also in the main menu of the oculus. I made...
  26. lordvanko

    [SOLVED] Is my gpu rurnning too hot?

    I'm wondering is my gpu running too hot? While playing Metro Exodus ( RTX on high/Graphics set on Ultra) I am getting 83 degrees max. Setup: Gigabyte Geforce RTX 2060 Super Windforce OC Ryzen 5 3600x running at max clocks 2x8 3200 Hyperx Predator STRIX B450-F GAMING Seasonic Focus GX-550W 80...
  27. lordvanko

    Question Is Fortron good?

    So I am building a system this Friday and I've picked a Fortron Hyper M 600w. Is it good and will it hold this system? ASUS ROG STRIX B450-F 2060 Super Gaming X by MSI 2x8 3200mhz RAM Team Group T-force RGB Ryzen 5 3600 1tb 7.2k RPM Segate BarraCuda 500gb Intel 660 M.2 CoolerMaster Hyper 212...
  28. C

    [SOLVED] Rtx 2060 acting weird

    Ive recently bought bought an rtx 2060 and was excited to play Morden warfare but something seems off about my performances of my computer. My pc keeps stuttering in audio and fps keeps making random drops. It can go from 140 FPS to 70 FPS and even less for a second. Ive updated to the latest...
  29. Z

    [SOLVED] HDMI GPU to DVI-D Monitor. Is it possible ?

    I am looking to buy a RTX 2060 which has only Display Ports and HDMI. My old second monitor has DVI-D and VGA. Before i used to try and do VGA to DVI with a simple "non active pin adapter" but that didnt work since VGA is analog im guessing. So. Would making my HDMI signal from my GPU to DVI-D...
  30. Z

    Question R5 1600X Cooling problems,questions and upgrade paths.

    So I have had this CPU for a few months and have noticed this problem. I have a entry a320 AM4 motherboard with this Ryzen and a CM Master Air g100l. Now the R5 i have is 95 W TDP and this cooler supports up to 150 W TDP somewhere i saw ? Which is bs ? In the summer it ran at 55-60c idle which...
  31. Makowh

    [SOLVED] RTX 2060 or RX 5700? (Comfort of use)

    Hi everyone, Time has come for me to upgrade my GPU, and an important decision pops up: MSI Geforce RTX 2060 6GB Gaming Z or MSI Radeon RX 5700 8 Go Mech OC? More context: -The prices are just 1€ appart in my country (Germany). - I am gaming at 1440p on my free time, and am working at home...
  32. Y

    [SOLVED] are 9400f enough for 1080p 240Hz?

    last week i get a B365M mobo, 2666 2x8 RAM, 512gb SSD and 240Hz monitor from online shoping "lucky draw" in my country and im planned to get 9400F + 2060 Super for $614 or i should get 9700F + cooling for additional $247 i only play competitive and some local popular games in my country. Every...
  33. X

    [SOLVED] Geforce RTX 2060 having crashing issues while gaming

    A couple weeks ago i started experiencing crashing while gaming on my (bought new from newegg, 5 month old) card and i'm fairly certain its my gpu since the crashing only happens while gaming or when i stress test with Furmar. It also happens on any game, theirs no specific one. Basically the...
  34. C

    Question Video Card Questions: 1660 Ti vs 5700

    All the prices are in Canadian dollars and are from PC Parts Picker.ca. I have been looking at upgrading my existing video card. My budget is around $350, so I was looking at a 1660 Ti. I have had a few people recommend a 5700 instead. Looking at prices it seems like the 1660 Ti is around...
  35. edeboy

    Question Will my I7-4790 (Non-K) pair well with an RTX 2060?

    I really want to upgrade my gpu from my Gtx 970 to the RTX 2060 and wondered if I would get any bottlenecking with my I7-4790 @3.6Ghz?
  36. M

    [SOLVED] Confused between RTX 2060 super and 2070 Super for My PC upgrade. Help needed :)

    Hi Guys, So im a bit confused on selecting a graphics card for my new PC since I upgraded from a 4th gen Era. first of all my current PC is: MOBO : MSI MPG X570 GAMING PLUS RAM : Patriot Viper Steel DDR4 16GB (2 x 8GB) 3733MHz CPU : AMD Ryzen 5 3600 Monitor: Samsung S24B370 1080p 60Hz...
  37. Mohos

    [SOLVED] What is the appropriate GPU for My Monitor ?

    Hey guys , I have a question about the appropriate GPU for the monitor that I will buy, the display resolution is 1080p and 144Hz and 24 inch and the delay time is 1ms .. And before me to choose between RTX 2060 and RTX 2060 Super .. The difference between "MSI RTX 2060 Gaming Z" and "Gigabyte...
  38. R

    [SOLVED] i5 9600k with 2060 super or 2070 super PLEASE HELP

    I'm buying a gpu in the next couple weeks and I originally planned on a 2060 super but I'm also able to get a 2070 super but I'm not sure which to choose. I don't know if the 2070 super would be limited by the 9600k or not. I know it will be overkill for 1080p gaming but I am also looking to get...
  39. Knowwn

    [SOLVED] Can I use gtx 1060 3gb and 2060 at a time on b450 motherboard?

    Can I use gtx 1060 3gb and 2060 at a time on b450 motherboard? I have corsair vs650 power supply i want to use one at a time just don't want to switch again and again
  40. mranimo

    [SOLVED] Blower rtx2070 vs openair rtx2060?

    Is the MSI gaming rtx2060 or the MSI aero rtx2070 is the better? They are at same price in my country. Which worth more?