bottle neck

Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with bottle neck.
  1. Ali Sultan (Moose)

    Question Will Core i7 4790 and GTX 1660 ti bottleneck?

    I have a core i7 4790 and GTX 1660 ti installed with the 8 gigs of ram. Will they bottleneck?
  2. S

    Question Can I change my CPU on my laptop?

    Im using a Lenovo Y520 currently and my CPU (Intel(R) HD Graphics 630) is bottlenecking my GPU (AMD Radeon(TM) RX 560, Can someone tell me if its possible change my CPU or not? Sincerely, Sky
  3. L

    Question Will intel i5 2320 bottleneck gtx 1660 oc

    Does i5 2320 bottleneck gtx 1660. If so, how much is the approximate bottleneck percentage? Memory: 8GB, Psu:600w Thanks
  4. E

    Question Cpu upgrade

    Hello. So i have just noticed thaf my i5 7400 and 8gb of ram are causing extreme bottlenecks to my rtx 2060 and iam having alot od fps drops . So i started to look for a cpu ans ram upgrade . Im thinking about an i7 8700 non k 2x8 hyperx 2666mhz gb of ram And a brand new msi b360m motherboard...
  5. R

    Question CPU running at 100% while GPU at 1-2%

    CPU:i5 7600k MOBO: Gigabyte GA-B250M-D3h RAM: 8gb at 2666 MHZ GPU: EVGA gtx 1080ti FTW3 The problem occurs while playing Battlefield 5. I'm playing on 2440x1440 resolution witch is native to my monitor. I've tried playing on max/low settings, trying to with DX12 and without and so on. The CPU...
  6. R

    [SOLVED] CPU bottleneck e5 2643 & GTX 1060 6gb

    I have a Intel Xeon E5 2643 0 (3.3ghz), 16gb ddr3 and a GTX 1060 EVGA 6Gb and I suspect I have a CPU bottleneck. I suspect it because I tested BSL Ultra preset shaders on Minecraft and I was getting ~60 (though the card should be capable of 80+). I turn the shaders off and I only seem to be...
  7. Rajivrocks

    Question WIll a i7 3770k stock bottleneck a RTX 2070?

    So my R9 280x died recently so I'm looking for a nice new GPU that will last me another six years, that's why I'm thinking about the RTX 2070, I'm running on a 1080p panel ATM but I'm mainly thinking about the future. so I was looking on this website where it shows me that if I run a RTX 2070...
  8. amabe1996

    Question Intel i3-8100, (2nd hand gpu) RX 570 4GB, Stuttering issues.

    So I've purchase this pc not so long ago. At first I don't have a discrete gpu at that time I was only using the built in Graphics of the intel core i3-8100 (intel UHD 630) I played Dota 2 with low settings I can get 60 fps but after I got the second hand gpu (it's a korean variant which i got...
  9. N

    Question CPU/GPU bottle neck...which to attack first?

    Hi, I recently built a new system with the main components spec'ed below. The CPU and Ram were bought new while the GPU's were recycled from my last rig. Since I recently started to play anthem alongside a few multiple instances of mobile games through an android emulator like Nox or...
  10. Zorozephyr09

    [SOLVED] Graphics Card Upgrade: Choices and Avoiding Bottlenecking

    My pc currently has an Nvidia Geforce GTX 650 ti for a gpu and an Intel core i5-2500k processor. I'm looking for a suitable gpu upgrade that would allow me to (and this is the primary motivation for my upgrade) play The Witcher 3 at 60+ fps and high settings with no issues. Also the gpu has got...
  11. T

    Question my pc have freezing problems while gaming

    Alright im new here so i apologize if i dont post under the right topic :) alright so starting off i recently jus built my PC, My PC Stats --------------------------- AMD Ryzen 3 2200G GTX 1060 3GB EVGA 600W 80+ Cert Gigabyte B450M DS3H ----------------------------------- my hardrive i pulled...
  12. A

    [SOLVED] How do i connect the psu cables to my gpu and how many?

    So i have a evga g3 650w psu and a msi gtx1070 ti. So the gpu has 8+6 pins for power, so am i supposed to put one 8 to 8 pin cable from the psu to the gpu and one 8 to 6 pin to the cable, or one 8 to 8+6 pin i got in with the psu because i dont want to limit my gpu performance due to low power...
  13. G

    [SOLVED] Is my build still good

    Hello i have had my build for a few years now. But im noticing in newer games like Anthem Witcher 3 etc. that i cant fully play on ultra most of the time is high but anthem was the first game i had to put on medium. so i was wondering is there something bottlenecking my system but im not too...
  14. R

    Removing Cryptowall ransomeware

    How to remove cryptowall ransomeware 3.0?
  15. D

    Ubuntu Gnome Help

    I have ubuntu gnome and for some reason it times out after 10 mins even when i do everything to prevent it
  16. G

    Pc freezes when CPU is overclocked, please help!

    Hi First time overclocker here. I have an fx 8320 cpu overclocked to 4,2 ghz at 1.4 voltage and an Asus m5a97 R2.0 motherboard. So the thing is, whenever i open google chrome or watch a video, my pc randomly freezes and the reset button leds disappear (I'm unable to reset my pc when this...
  17. M

    A new hard drive for a Dell N7110

    Hey everyone. My wife bought a Dell N7110 17" laptop from Dell about 2 and 1/2 years ago. There has always been a problem with the hard drive, but unfortunately it just went critical after Windows started sending warnings about "backing up your information before the hard-drive quits". Now, I...